

汉语解释:中国汉字,读音为yòu ,为多义词。面向南时,西的一边,与“左”相对。想知道右的英文怎么说吗?



right ; dexter

网 络right;R. RIGHT;rt;rechts



The right hand is dominant in most people.


She wears a ring set with emeralds on her right hand.


The car swerved to the right.



To avoid the city center, turn right here.


You may turn the right knob on the TV to switch it on.


Pull on the right reinand the horse will turn to the right.


You are the coefficients of all the terms in the equation of my right face.


Press the right arrow or left arrow button.


You can tell this is the right lung because there are three lobes.

1. He wonders why the digits on his calculator slope to the right. 他不明白为什么他的计算器上面的数字向右倾斜。

2. The pain originated from a point in his right thigh. 疼痛是从他右大腿的某处开始的。

3. The main road continues towards Viterbo before turning right to Bolsena. 大路一直延伸到维泰博,之后右转通向博尔塞纳。

4. Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies. 他熟练地左一拐右一拐地绕过深沟,穿过了原野。

5. The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads. 卡车疯狂地左摇右晃,从狭窄的山路上急冲而下。

6. Our horse had to be humanely destroyed after breaking his right foreleg. 我们的马摔断了右前腿,只好对它实行安乐死。

7. As they reached the start-finish line Prost jinked right and drew abreast. 当他们接近起止线时,普罗斯特猛向右转,两辆车并排驶过了终点。

8. She had moored her barge on the right bank of the river. 她把驳船停泊在河右岸。

9. He began to have trouble with his right knee. 他的右膝盖开始出现不适。

10. A few kilometres after the village, turn right to Montelabate. 过了村庄之后再前行几公里,向右转前往蒙特拉贝特。

11. The parson, heading the procession, had just turned right towards the churchyard. 走在行进队伍最前面的教区牧师刚刚向右转弯,朝着教堂墓地走去。

12. He raised his right fist and declaimed: "Liar and cheat!" 他举起右拳高喊:“骗子,骗子!”

13. Turn right and just basically walk straight, right over the river. 向右转,然后大致直着往前走,越过小河.

14. He fell awkwardly and went down in agony clutching his right knee. 他笨拙地摔倒了,痛苦地抱住右膝倒在地上。

15. Turn right at the first crossroads. 在第一个十字路口向右转。

16. Turn right into the street. 朝右拐进街道。

17. Where the road makes a dip, turn right. 在下坡处,向右转。

18. Now turn right to follow West Ferry Road. 现在向右拐沿西渡路往前走。

19. The road bent slightly to the right. 这条路稍微朝右弯。

20. The writing sloped backwards. 笔迹朝右倾斜。

