Ethan Zuckerman, the man who invented pop-up ads, has apologised to the world last week.
Zuckerman explains that he had unintentionally created one of the most hated forms of advertising on the web.
In the late 90s, Zuckerman worked for Tripod.com, a website that marketed content and services to graduates. After the initial concept failed, Tripod later changed business model to keep the business going.
As Zuckerman explains: "At the end, we found the business model that got us funded was advertising. We tried to analyze users' personal homepages, so we could better target ads to them. Along the way, we ended up creating the pop-up ad."
文中的pop-up ads就是“弹窗广告”的意思,其中pop-up是指计算机中菜单“弹出式的”,比如a pop-up menu(弹出式菜单)、a pop-up window(弹出式窗口)。ad是一个口语词,相当于advertisement,解释为“广告”,比如a want ad(招聘广告)。