



Each time something in our life ends, it creates room for a new experience.


Within each new experience is a stepping-stone. Some are small stones and others are big ones. Some are fun and some are tiring, but with each passing day we learn why we are here, what our duty is, and why different people come in and out of our lives.


Each time a relationship ends or we leave a relationship, we must examine ourselves, our hearts and our souls. duanwenw.com What brought us to this person to begin with? How did we attract them into our lives? How did they bring us into their reality and why? Each step is part of the journey of finding out who we really are, why we were brought here, and why we go through pain sometimes.


We must first work on the inside and the outside will follow. Think about it. What is truly your life’s duty? Do everything you can to do it. It’s a journey. duanwenw.com Take the adventure.


You have gone through many rough periods in your life, and many wonderful times too. You have helped people through their rough periods. You know what to do.


You keep on getting right to the finish line and then you stop. Keep going this time. Cross that line. duanwenw.com You are deserving and capable. Sometimes if we just work on removing anger, everything else will flow.


You are loved, dear one. This is the beginning of a beautiful future. Someone loves you and will be there for you. Always remember that we are never alone!


关于励志的英语短文带翻译:绝好的机会Great Opportunity

Are you looking for a great opportunity? Well, you can stop searching because it is here.


The greatest opportunity that anyone could possibly hope for can be yours. duanwenw.com You don’t have to make a cash investment. You don’t even have to fill out an application form. This incredible opportunity can work for you no matter what your educational or professional background, no matter what your level of physical ability might be, duanwenw.com and no matter what skills you possess.


The opportunity in front of you is commonly called "TODAY". This opportunity is full of power and has the potential to deliver whatever you desire. Your grand opportunity is here and now. It is in the precious, irreplaceable3 hours and moments which make up this day. Whatever the clock may read, today is just beginning. In front of you are 24 fresh and available hours until this time tomorrow, and there is so very much you can do with them. Today is an opportunity of the grandest proportions. No one, no matter how rich, famous, powerful or successful, duanwenw.com has an opportunity available to them with more potential than you have today.


In fact, you have the very same day available to you as the most successful person alive —on the very same day. Seize it, live it, and make it into something great.



Nothing succeeds like confidence. When you are truly confident, it radiates1 from you like sunlight, and attracts success to you like a magnet.


It’s very important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it under any circumstances, because if you believe you can, then you really will. The belief keeps you searching for answers, which means that pretty soon you will get them.


Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with integrity3 and confidence. It comes from a strong sense of purpose. It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility, rather duanwenw.com than just letting life happen.


One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you.


Confidence is compassionate4 and understanding. It is not arrogant. duanwenw.com Arrogance is born out of fear and insecurity, while confidence comes from strength and integrity.


Confidence is not just believing you can do it. Confidence is knowing you can do it. Know that you are capable of accomplishing anything you want, and live your life with confidence.


Anything can be achieved through focused, determined effort and self-confidence. If your life is not what you want duanwenw.com it to be, you have the power to change it, and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live your priorities. Live with your goals and your plan of action. Live each moment with your priorities in mind. Act with your own purpose, and you will have the life you want.


