



I live with my Granddad in Central London. He went on holiday and left me in the house alone for 2 weeks.


The house is over 200 years old; he has owned it since 1982. Nothing unusual has happened since he has been living there, until Monday night.


I was just about to go to sleep. It was about 12am. The house is creaky as its old but what happened next was not a normal occurrence and I know it wasn't my imagination, I thought it might have been at first but I soon found out it wasn't.


All the houses in The Mews are connected. As I was just dropping off, I heard a loud banging noise. I told myself it was just the neighbors and to stop making myself paranoid. I heard a man shouting, it sounded as if it was coming from the basement (the door to my basement is underneath my bedroom). It went quiet for a few minutes until I heard it again. This time it was much louder, it sounded like someone was kicking the basement door (which was locked). This went on for about 3 minutes.


I lay in my bed, too scared to move. I could hear the shouting again, I couldn't hear what was being said but I could tell that whoever was shouting was very angry. The banging started again, this time it shook the wall of my room. The windows and the wardrobe were shaking as if there was an earthquake or something similar. This went on for about 30 seconds. I then heard a woman's voice, it sounded like whimpering, as if she was pleading with someone. The wall that was shaking is directly above the basement door.


There is a locked door from the street that leads to the corridor where the basement door is (I don't even have a key for this). I knew that the banging was not coming from either of my neighbors, as the part of the house that was shaking is not connected to my neighbor’s houses. After the shaking, I heard the kitchen door open (this is how you access the basement from the house) and something come up the stairs towards my bedroom. I was so scared, I couldn't even move. I heard them pacing outside my door, I lay there waiting to see someone open the door and walk through, but they didn't. I thought it was a burglar, I thought that when I wake up in the morning (at one point I didn't think that I would) I'm going find that the house has been robbed and the doors smashed to pieces.


After I heard about 10 minutes of silence, I heard the 'thing' go back downstairs and into the kitchen. I eventually got to sleep around 4am, I was very surprised that I even got to sleep at all but I had just finished a 14 hour shift at work.


I got up at 7am for work and was worried I was going to find that the house had been robbed (I wanted to wait till it was light just in case). I went into the kitchen; all the doors leading to the basement were still locked. I unlocked each one carefully expecting to find some sort of damage but there was nothing. This made me even uneasier because I know I heard someone in my house that night.


My granddad returned home the next day. I told him about what had happened; I thought he was going to tell me to stop being stupid. He took me into the corridor where the basement door is and showed me a large crack in the wall above the basement door. I was so scared. It proves that I didn't imagine the banging and screaming and something must have caused the cracks in the wall. The surveyor came round yesterday and couldn't find the cause of the crack, he asked me if anybody had kicked or tried to force the door. I didn't tell him this story, in case he thought I was being stupid.


Last night my granddad left me alone in the house again, the first time since Monday night’s incident. I decided to sleep on the sofa bed in the front room. I was really tired so went to bed about 9pm. I was woken by a loud banging noise around 2.15am. I sat bolt upright in my bed and noticed a tall dark figure standing at the bottom of my bed. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman and I couldn't see its face. I sat there for about 30 seconds looking at it, trying to calm myself down and trying to adjust my eyes to see if I could see the figure’s face, until I heard a loud bang downstairs again, I turned around towards the stairs but there was nothing and when I turned back to face the figure, it was gone. I jumped out of bed and turned the light on. I put my clothes on, ran out of my house and got a cab to my boyfriend’s house. I told my granddad what happened today and also told him I’d be moving out from today.


Whatever is in that house, it doesn't like me. Well it must not, my granddad has lived there for 24 years and nothing like this has ever happened. I can't explain it and I don't ever want to experience anything like that ever again.



I just bought 20 acres of nice land and we got it for very cheap. The Old man wouldn't tell us why it was so cheap; he just shook his head and said, "Please don't ask". So we took it on upon ourselves to find out.


We went to the local library and looked through the old newspapers. And then we came across a story that made our skin crawl. It Read:

我们到当地的图书馆去查阅旧报纸,有一则故事让我们毛骨悚然,故事的标题是:“一块20 英亩大的土地的树林中发现两位本地少年死尸。”

"Local Teenagers found dead in woods of a 20 acre plot".The paper was dated 1942. My girlfriend and I went on to read that apparently two girls were swimming in one of the large ponds there is on the land and one of the girls (we will call her Lauren) got caught up in the net that Jamie's father was using to drag the pond of any catfish. Well Jamie tried to get Lauren untangled from the net but it was too late. Lauren had drowned. Heartbroken that her drunken father had not heard her screaming Jamie walked into the woods leaned against a tree and shot her in the head.


No one could understand why Jamie did this, but as investigations later proved, the two girls were lovers.


We sat there in silence for a minute and then I started flipping through the pages again and I found another article, it read:


"Two more Local Teenagers Found dead in woods on 20 acre plot".


It seems that a teenage boy and his girlfriend were found dead in the woods. They had died of fright. No one knows what they saw except it scared the hell out of them. Then I later read that a second teenage couple had been found dead, they also had died of fright.


After reading that we drove out to the land and camped out close to the woods to see if we could see anything. About 2:00am we heard crying, shortly followed by a gunshot. My girlfriend and I jumped up and looked into the deep woods, all we heard was the loud crackling of the fire. Then out of the blue a figure of a girl stood on the edge of the woods. I felt the hair rise on the back of my neck, for we were only 15 feet away. Then a smile came across the girl’s face as she turned and walked back into the woods.


As the nights passed we didn't see her, we even walked in the woods together at night.Then a month later on the 18th we saw her again. We heard crying then a gunshot and then we saw her at the edge of the woods. This happened every month on the 18th. Then one night we invited my cousin and his girlfriend to come witness it. It happened like it normally did except this time the girl’s eyes turned red when she saw my cousin and his girlfriend. She stared towards them and they ran to his car and sped off. Then she turned to us. I stood my ground. Her eyes were now blue again as she pointed to our hand holding. Then she smiled and turned and walked back into the woods. But this time she stopped and pointed to the right of her where another figure of a girl appeared. They walked towards each other and hugged then they joined hands looked back at us, smiled and then vanished.


I guess she had to come out of the woods in order to reunite with Lauren and only a boy and girl couple can drive her out.


I don't know but I haven't heard crying or a gun shot for at least a year. But I do still see them holding hands and walking along the edge of the woods by the ponds. But only on the 18th.


