



Wine is a funny market, one where most consumers really have no idea what they're doing.


In blind taste tests, the typical non-expert wine drinker tends to prefer the taste of cheaperwines (but experts prefer more expensive wines.) And when average consumers are told theprice of the wine, they tend to believe more expensive wine tastes better than cheaper wine.


It's worth keeping this in mind as China investigates whether European wineries are 'dumping'their product onto the Chinese market (a move that European analysts believe is just retaliationagainst the French government for backing import duties on Chinese solar panels). Are Chineseconsumers looking for the best-tasting wine for their yuan? Or do they, like their Westerncounterparts, often buy a particular bottle of wine because it is more expensive?


If it's the latter, cutting the price of exports to China might not move more bottles off storeshelves. So, why would you dump your product if suckers um, consumers are willing to buy asmuch maybe even more! at a higher price? If you're like me, you never buy the cheapest bottleof wine at a restaurant or store. Not because you can taste the difference, but because youdon't want to look cheap.


Wine isn't the only market that behaves this way. For example, U.S. liberal arts colleges thatraise their tuition appear to experience higher demand from future applicants, i.e. price hasbecome a signal for quality.


These considerations aside, do the data support the charge of dumping? Well, France accountsfor the vast majority of exports to China, and the pattern of French exports to China don'tshow the tell-tale signs of dumping:


French exports have soared but the price has stayed roughly the same. Unless the productioncosts of French wineries have also soared, it's difficult to see how French wineries are nowselling below production costs (an element of dumping), when they weren't doing that before.Or maybe the Chinese allege French wineries have always been dumping?


More plausibly, sales of European wine have followed the trend of other luxury goods in China:The country's burgeoning middle class and nouveau riche want to spend more of their new-found wealth on French wine, German cars and other brand-name Western goods.



A Fox, just at the time of the vintage, stole into a vine-yard where the ripe sunny Grapes were trellised up on high in most tempting show. He made many a spring and a jump after the luscious prize, but, failing in all his attempts, he muttered as he retreated:"Well what does it matter! The Grapes are sour!"



