


关于少儿英语故事:The Thought that Counts

Adam and Constance were very religious. Both had been raised in Catholic families. Except for her uncle Chandler, who was agnostic, all their relatives were devout Catholics. Adam’s oldest brother was, in fact, a priest. Adam, as a youth, had been an altar boy and had prayed to God to become a priest. Instead, God made him a fireman. Constance had seriously thought about becoming a nun, but that was before she met Adam.

Her heart fluttered at her first sight of Adam. He was taking pictures with kids at a charity event. What a big, strong man, she thought. And so good-looking! Constance took her nephew over to get his picture taken. She couldn’t believe it when she saw that Adam was wearing a St. Christopher medal around his neck. He’s Catholic, too! she marveled. Not being a shy woman, Constance started up a conversation with Adam.

One thing, as they say, led to another. Both sets of parents were so happy that their child had fallen in love with a Catholic! There was a huge wedding at the cathedral. Adam’s brother married the two lovebirds. Everyone said it was the best wedding ever.

When Adam and Constance got around to opening their gifts a few days later, Constance opened an envelope from her uncle Chandler. In it was $100 cash. But, the cash was inside a Jewish card for Happy Hanukkah! The note in the card was, “I couldn’t find a wedding card that I liked. I know this is Jewish, but it really is a beautiful card, don’t you think? Love, and Best Wishes.” Constance did not send her uncle a thank you note, nor did she ever talk to him again. She was unable to think about her wedding again without thinking about that card.

关于少儿英语故事:It’s a Small World

Nicolas was sitting in the waiting room Monday morning. He had brought four magazines with him, in case the mechanics had to spend all day fixing his car. His portable Sony radio was on, and one earbud was stuck in his right ear. A customer came into the waiting room. Nicolas overheard the customer talking to Harold, the service representative. The customer was from Milford, the same little town that Nicolas was from. After the customer and Harold had finished talking, Harold went back outside.

Nicolas thought he would introduce himself. He said, "I heard that you are from Milford." The young man nodded. "Are you going to the parade on Wednesday?" Nicolas asked.

"What parade?" the man asked. Wednesday was the fourth of July. Nicolas wondered if he was talking to someone who just happened to be visiting Earth on his way to Pluto.

"Didn't you say you live in Milford?" Nicolas asked. The man nodded. "How long have you lived there?" Nicolas asked. Five years, the man replied.

"And you've never been to the Fourth of July parade?" Nicolas asked. The man shook his head. He seemed totally uninterested in continuing the conversation, although all he was doing was watching cars drive by on the nearby street.

Oh well, I tried to be neighborly, Nicolas thought, as he put the earbud back in his ear and opened one of his magazines.

关于少儿英语故事:Betting Big in Vegas

Jasper's parents were going to Las Vegas for a week. The last time they were there was 10 years ago. The city had changed greatly in those 10 years. For one thing, the all you can eat buffets were $15, instead of $3. And traffic was much worse, of course. But now Las Vegas had a monorail that stopped at all the major hotels. No more walking in the hot sun (or the bitterly cold wind, if you visited Las Vegas in the winter). Jasper's dad loved the buffets. "Even at $15, he'll still eat $20 or $30 worth," Jasper's mom said.

Jasper asked his dad what games he was going to play. Blackjack, he replied, if he could find a $2 table. Jasper told him that he might have to go downtown to a real old casino. Most casinos, he said, require a $5 minimum nowadays. That didn't surprise his dad. After he lost a hundred dollars, he was finished anyway, he said. He was never one to throw good money after bad.

Jasper's mom had no use for anything except slot machines. She loved the slots, as long as she could find nickel machines and dime machines. "Are any of those left?" she asked Jasper. He said he wasn't sure, but there had to be some, somewhere. She said she was going to play differently on this visit: she would wait till someone used a machine for at least 15 minutes. Then she would play that machine when that person got up and left. Maybe, she hoped, the jackpot would hit on the first nickel that she put in. That's a good idea, Jasper thought. Unfortunately, it's the same trick that everyone who plays the slot machines does. And almost everyone goes home broke.

