



The Value of a Good Reputation

A good reputation is a man’s best wealth. Everyone judges you as a gentleman;When people talk about you, they always show thumbs-up; You can always get the trust of others;Almost no one say you are ill;I think all above can show you have a good reputation.

If you wantto have a good reputation, the road will be long and not so easy to go on. You need a lot of efforts. Firstly, you should do good things as much as possible and try not to do bad things. Secondly, ready to do your best to help those who need help. Thirdly, strictly request your words and deeds to make yourself a gentleman. If you can do all these, You will get a good reputation.

If you have a good reputation, you will get the trust of others and everyone will respect you. In a word, you will get lots of benefits andconvenience because of your good reputation.


名誉是指社会对特定的公民的品行,思想,道德,作用,才干等方面的社会评价。 一谈到名誉,似乎总是和鲜花、掌声连在一起。客观公正的社会评价可以使人们得到精神上的满足,有良好名誉者不仅可以获得社会的更多尊重,还可获得经济效益。

无数人热衷于名声的角逐,是因为名声有两种效用。所谓效用,就是名声能给人带来的好处。名声好的名人能充分享受名声的荣耀性,受人关注性、高贵性以及各种精神上和物质上的好处。声誉卓著的人物,不仅一举一动,一笑一怒会引起千百万人的关注,而且,各种荣誉如雪片般纷纷飞来:光荣称号,奖章,奖状,证书,荣誉职位,新闻、电视和出版界的大幅报道抒写,以自己名字命名的各种事物,出席各种隆重高贵的场合并与其它名人名流列席一起,如开幕式。丰厚的奖品,下榻处的宽阔舒适、衣着的高贵、各种馈赠、举手开口之劳的敛财机会,他们尽情地沐浴在人们对自己的关注之下,领尽人们对自己的欢呼与喝彩, 享受出门前人们夹道欢迎,崇拜者的狂热拥抱、热吻、钦佩的目光、欢呼、喝彩、鲜花、礼物等各种优厚和特殊的待遇;住讲究的房间,吃高级的饭菜,游览名胜,出席全国最庄重的仪式,与名流交往。


Fame refers to the social evaluation of social conduct, ideological, moral, role, competence of particular citizens.

Comes to fame, always seems to be linked together with the flowers, applause. Objective and impartial evaluation of social so satisfying to the spirit, a reputation not only get more respect in society, but also the economic benefits. Compete for millions of people keen on fame, reputation utility. The so-called utility, fame can bring benefits. Reputable celebrities can fully enjoy the glory of the fame, the paramount concern, noble, and a variety of mental and physical benefits. Reputable character, not only every move, smile angry cause the attention of millions of people, and a variety of honors, such as avalanche have flying: the title of honor, medals, awards, certificates, honorary positions, news, television and publishing the substantial sector reports describe own name to a wide variety of things to attend a variety of grand and noble occasion along with other famous celebrities in attendance, such as the opening ceremony. Huge prizes, comfortable staying at the broad, noble clothing, various gifts, the hands opening of labor money-making opportunity, they enjoy bathing in the cheers and plaudits of the people of their own concern, the best performing

Enjoy out in front of the people were given a warm welcome by admirers frenzy hug, kiss, and admiration for the eyes, cheers, cheers, flowers, gifts, and other various attractive and special treatment; to live pay attention to the room, eating senior meals, lionized attend the country's most solemn ceremonies, exchanges with celebrities.

The famous are often nature-friendly, it is very natural and universal Contact reputation of this earthly benefits, its charm and pressure large enough to make many, many celebrities cease industry distraction, the changed business sales name entertainment career.





就我而言,每个硬币都有两面,名誉也是如此,既有益也有弊。但只要我们能以正常而坦然的态度面对,就能恰如其分的把握好尺度。俗话说“黄金无情人有情,没了黄金可以再找回来,失了人心就无法再挽回了。”要想求得个人的不朽,必须既放眼未来,着眼于名声的后世效用,不为现世效用所迷惑,又要不放松现在的工作,适当发挥现世效用,让她更好地促进后世效用。 As the saying goes: afraid of famous pig afraid of strong, because the pig if strong, long fat may have to be slaughtered. People famous will concern whether people around the media, reporters, when you do a humble little things will be exposed by the media, the same dry thing, you are not famous people are not concerned about once name for that kind of thing, will be advertised, users Miao made celebrity's every move will cause everyone's attention, such as the evaluation and will be, so you have to do everything possible to pay attention to a word a row, every move, really tired.

Some people out of the name, the money regardless of whether its own way, to do some outrageous things, They Zhang Shi own money to look down on others, and also dare to do anything, the number of celebrity drug use, how many celebrity divorce, as these outrageous thing, celebrities will face "pointing fingers" and people cast aside, sometimes celebrities that baseless rumor packaging media exaggeration, let you more easily covered the mouth can not tell the name notorious.

Far as I am concerned, every coin has two sides, reputation is both beneficial and disadvantages. But as long as we can to the face of a normal and calm attitude, be able to appropriately grasp the scale. No mercy saying goes, "Gold, gold can get it back, will no longer be able to restore lost heart" in order to obtain the personal immortality, must not only look to the future, focusing on the fame of posterity utility, not secular utility confused, but also does not relax now appropriate play secular utility, to let her to better promote posterity utility.


Fame is our society’s most powerful force;it dosen’t lend itself to simple definition but you can explain it by expel. Fame is very much like an animal chasing its own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it. Fame and the delighting popularity that accompanies it, force the famous person to participate in his or her own destruction.

What’s your definition of “fame”? Or what kind of fame do you want? If the answer is flowers, statues and money, I have to say “Being careful! You are advancing fame in a dangerous direction!” the fact is when people run after a kind of fame like this, they may easily got themselves trapped into an endless cycle of pursuing more and more fame, and never to be satisfied. When having grasped one thing that they think is one kind of fame, they will compare it with others’ consciously or not. And they will find there is always someone owning more than them so they will begin the journey again. It is endless. Finally they will lose themselves on the road of seeking for fame. Many famous stars are on this road.

But when we regard fame as reputation, honor of oneself, or road to achieve the meaning of life, we may see a positive aspect of it. Good reputation requires one cling to his self-discipline or self-control all the time, which can drive him to act well and own good manners. Honor can strong one’s will and firm his actions towards great goals. This can be easily understood in the era of war-“Fighting for the honor of our motherland!” And fame is also a good tool for some people who have the world in their hearts. Good fame means a big affection or a powerful leadership. The person who owns a good fame can more easily affect and lead the public towards better transformations. And it is important for the building of history.

Above all of these, we can see that it is not fame itself but our attitude towards it that makes fame be good or evil. Only when we have realized this, can we know how to definite fame rightly and let it play a positive role in our



Whenever talking about fame, different people usually hold different point of view. Firstly, Very often, I hear people say that fame can bring celebrity and regards to one and more importantly, it can help one attract public attention. While other people say that fame is an evil for it can make one trapped in it and then destroy his life. However, has anyone ever thought about that, it is whether fame itself that does these good or bad stuffs, or our attitudes towards it make the differences? In my opinion, when we hold positive attitude to quest for fame, and regard fame as reputation, honor of oneself, or road to achieve the meaning of life, we may see a positive aspect of it!

If flowers, statues and money are the fame which we run after, I have to say “Being careful! we are advancing fame in a dangerous direction!” from 2009 to last year, Justin Bibber is so popular with most people. But he addicts himself to drugs after becoming rich, and he was even rude to the neighbors. Many people ask he get out of Canada and America, because he brought trouble to the society. Bibber is a failure, he have no control over himself.

Good reputation requires one cling to his self-discipline or self-control all the time, which can drive him to act well and own good manners. Honor can strong one’s will and firms his actions towards great goals. This can be easily understood in the era of war-“Fighting for the honor of our motherland!” And fame is also a good tool for some people who have the world in their hearts. Good fame means a big affection or a powerful leadership. The person who owns a good fame can more easily affect and lead the public towards better transformations. And it is important for the building of history.

Above all of these, we can see that it is not fame itself but our attitude towards it that makes fame be good or evil.

