


Science geek refers to a group of highly intelligent men who majored in science and technology. They boast extensive scientific knowledge, love high-tech inventions and challenging computer games, and are curious about life. However, they may lack some common sense in regular relationship with other people.

The heroes in the American TV drama "The Big Bang Theory" might be the most typical representatives of this group. They play 3D chess, create Row-Sham-Bow that is much more difficult than the normal one,and do various experiments that are totally unknown to the world.




文中的science geek就是“理工男”的意思,其中geek音译为“极客”,原本指反常的人,现在多指对计算机和网络狂热的人,如:computer geek (电脑极客/电脑怪杰)。现在geek已经成为一种文化,和黑客(hacker)文化、博客(blog)文化、闪客(flash)文化、快闪(flash mobs)文化一样,借助于网络的力量,聚集了大量痴迷者。

第一段中的boast是动词,意为“以拥有…而自豪;夸耀”,多指对自己的长处、财富等的夸耀,如:He boasted himself to be the best basketball player.(他自夸自己是最佳篮球运动员。)

