



《高中英语写作2:书面表达辅导用书》是为了满足北京市高中学生英语学习的需要而系统地编写的一套写作教材。在编写过程中,我们注意吸收了国内外一些英语写作教学流派的长处,以功能交际法为主线,吸收了结构教学法的可取因素,在训练设计上采取了过程教学法的主要手段,力求全面培养学生的理解、分析与书面表达能力。 《高中英语写作2:书面表达辅导用书》一书以重点高中、普通高中、职业高中的学生为直接对象,循序渐进地介绍了几种主要文体形式(叙事文、描写文、应用文及说明文),并针对学生的薄弱环节附加了语法方面的训练。





Module One Narrative Writing

Unit One

Part One Get Started:Never Trust a Stranger

Part Two Learn to Write

A.Composition focus:writing with experiences

B.Sentence focus: building up the sentence

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Two

Part One Gel Started: A Trip to the Mountains

Part Two Learn to Write

A.Composition focus: thinking before writing

B.Sentence focus: building up the sentence with phrases

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Three

Part One Get Started: No Regrets

Part Two Learn to Write

A.Composition focus: finding ideas for writing

B.Sentence focus: varying the simple sentence

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Four

Part One Get Started: Dont Take Me Away!

Part Two Learn to Write

A. Composition focus: selecting ideas for writing

B. Sentence focus: the negative sentence

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Five

Part One Get Started: John Lennon

Part Two Learn to Write

A.Composition focus: writing an outline

B.Sentence focus, joining words with the conjunction

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Six

Part One Get Started: A Long Time Ago

Part Two Learn to Write

A.Composition focus: preparing for writing

B.Sentence focus: avoiding the sentence fragment

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit seven Students Workshop(Ⅰ)

Module Two Descriptive Writing

Unit Eight

Part One Get Started: Our Monitor

Part Two Learn to Write

A.Composition focus, finding ideas for writing

B.Sentence focus, joining sentences with the conjunctior

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Nine

Part One Get Started:An Interesting Photo

Part Two Learn to Write

A. Composition focus: writing the outline

B. Sentence focus: avoiding the comma-spliced sentence

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Ten

Part One Get Started: The Jack-o-lantern

Part Two Learn to Write

A. Composition focus: writing the outline

B. Sentence focus,avoiding the run-on sentence

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Eleven

Part One Get Started, Making Fried Chicken

Part Two Learn to Write

A.Composition focus: writing the firstdraft

B.Sentence focus: forming "when" clauses

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Twelve

Part One Get Started: Doing Push-ups

Part Two Learn to Write

A. Composition focus: writing the first draft

B. Sentence focus: forming "why" clauses

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at HOme

Unit Thirteen

Part One Get Started. The Lincoln Memorial

Part Two Learn to Write

A. Composition focus: revising the first draft

B. Sentence focus: forming "who-which-that" clauses

Part Three Expressions to Learn

Part Four Write in Class

Part Five Write at Home

Unit Fourteen

Students Workshop (Ⅱ)

Module Three Practical Writing

Unit Fifteen

Unit Sixteen

Unit Seventeen

Unit Eighteen

Unit Nineteen

Unit Twenty

Module Four Expository Writing

UNit Twenty-one

UNit Twenty-two

UNit Twenty-three

UNit Twenty-four

UNit Twenty-five

UNit Twenty-six

UNit Twenty-seven


