



What does he do?

What's his job?

What kind of work is he doing?

What is he?


Chen had a poor childhood.He was so poor that he didn't even have enough money to buy school stuffs.Yet,he was a talented businessman,he ran his business well and earned quite a good profit.He never forgot to help others though,he helped other poor children with all his might.Even after he became a really rich and successful businessman when he grew up,he still continued with these good deeds and dedicated himself in charity by raising money to help those who are in need


1. Bethink yourself of what you are.


2. What do Kathy and Jack do?


3. What do Wesley and Laura do?


4. And what about you, Yunbo, what do you do?

云波, 你呢, 你是做什么的?

5. What does Daphne's father do?


6. And if somebody asks that child , Hey, what does your mommy do?

若有人问小孩, 你妈妈做什么的?

7. Networking is about WHO you are not WHAT you are.


8. Perhaps those Xerox executives knew what they were doing, after all.


9. Actually, it's my dad's. - And what does he do?

事实上, 这是我父亲的 - 他是做什么的?

10. Philip : Yes a pediatrician. And what does your father do?

是的,小儿科医师. 令尊是做什么的?

11. Jack: First of all, what do you work as?

杰克: 首先我想问下, 你是做什么的 呢 ?

12. House : Chase . Did you about this woman? What she does?

你认识那个女人 吗 ?她做什么的?

13. The true wealth do not consist in what we be.


14. Mary: Oh, I see. What's that building so many students are entering?

玛丽: 哦, 我知道了, 有很多学生往里走的那幢楼是做什么的?

15. What is the purpose of the International Date Line?


What does he do的双语例句

1. What does he do after breakfast? He goes to school after that.

他早饭以后做什么? 他早饭以后上学.

2. Actually, it's my dad's. - And what does he do?

事实上, 这是我父亲的 - 他是做什么的?

3. What does he do with himself at the weekend?


4. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does he do?

他给了你这种天赋, 然后呢?

5. B Ah, Manchester – home of Manchester United! What does he do?

B啊, 曼彻斯特-曼联队的故乡! 他是做什么的?

6. What does he do on Sundays? He often does exercise and hiking.

星期天他做什么? 他常常健身和远足.

7. You: who's ur daddy and what does he do?

你: 谁是我们的爸爸,以及他如何做?

8. What does he do ? He - sa famous actor and singer.

他是干什么的? 他是个著名的演员和歌手.

9. A How about your older brother? What does he do?

A你的哥哥 怎么样 ?他是做什么工作的?

10. A: What does he do after retirement?

他退休以后干什么 呢 ?

11. What does he do exactly?


12. What does he do?


