



A: How are you doing today?

B: I’m fine.

A: What can I do for you?

B: I would like to cancel a check.

A: Is there a problem?

B: I wrote the check out for too much.

A: How much did you write it out for?

B: I wrote it out for $150.

A: How much was it supposed to be?

B: It was supposed to be for $100.

A: I’ll cancel that check for you.

B: I really appreciate your help.


A: What can I help you with today?

B: I would like to make a deposit.

A: Will that be cash or check?

B: I’m depositing a check.

A: Could you sign the back of the check, please?

B: All right. Here you go.

A: Would you like any cash back?

B: That would be great.

A: How much would you like?

B: I would like $150.

A: Here is your $150.

B: Thanks for everything.


A: Do you have any other questions?

B: I want to know about fees.

A: Which fees?

B: Overdraft fees.

A: You will be required to pay a small fee for every time you overdraft.

B: How much is the fee?

A: You'll have to pay $25 every time you overdraft.

B: That’s a small fee?

A: It should stop you from overdrafting.

B: You would think it would, but it most likely won’t.

A: Can I help you with anything else?

B: That’s it for today. Thank you.


A: What can I help you with today?

B: I have a problem.

A: What is the problem?

B: I wrote a check for $100 and it bounced.

A: Do you have enough money in your account?

B: I think so.

A: Let me check that for you right now.

B: Okay. Thank you.

A: Apparently there is only $57 left in your account.

B: You can’t be serious!

A: That’s what my records show.

B: I see. Thanks for your help.


A: How are you doing today?

B: Great. Thank you.

A: What can I do for you?

B: I need to withdraw some money.

A: How much would you like to take out?

B: I need to withdraw $300.

A: Which account would you like to take the money from?

B: I want to take it from my checking account.

A: Okay, here you go.

B: Thank you very much.

A: Can I do anything else for you?

B: No. That’ll be all.

