




For so long we have fought to be treated the same as men. And of course we have equal valuein God's sight, and deserve equal pay, equal rights and opportunities. But we are not thesame. That's the point. I will make a colleague and a companion meet for you, God says,fitting, appropriate and different.The men of Athens considered the threat of Sparta and theneed to protect democracy. Their wives saw sons slaughtered. Pilate considered the politicalunrest, the dangerous crowd, the unstable situation. His wife saw one man, innocent anddisturbing.Recently I heard a preacher, male, describing Jesus as abandoned by all his friendsat the end. Shame on you, I rebuked him afterwards. There were faithful disciples at the footof the cross, only leaving his body to observe for the prescribed Sabbath, back at dawn onSunday to embalm him.The men saw the larger canvas, the dangers, the risks and ran. Thewomen saw only the friend they loved and stayed.



In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said love your neighbour as yourself. But how can we do that practically? Well, maybe there is an elderly person in your street who's got no family. Maybe you can help them with their shopping or simply spend some time with them, listening. You don't have to look hard in our country to find those in real need. When we start to love our neighbours a little more, we start to heal our society from the inside out.I've heard so many stories of people giving or helping others and the common thread is always that they've received back in spades. It just seems to be one of those wonderful laws of the universe. And, helping others is at the very heart of the Christian faith.So let's be bold, get out there, determined to help someone and do something positive, together.



Whether we expand existing towns or build new cities it begs the question about how we build an environment that helps us live in harmony with each other and with the natural world, upon which we depend for our existence.The history of the earth told by the Bible has us beginning our journey in a garden and finding our destiny in a garden city.The last chapter has a vision of "the river of the water of life, bright as a crystal, flowing through the middle of the city". And on either side stands the Tree of Life with leaves for the healing of the people. It's a picture of harmony between the built and natural environments.Not so long ago I invited some of Liverpool's Leaders to meet an international expert on sustainable cities. Professor Herbert Giradet set out ten key principles on how to make cities liveable and sustainable.Up until that point I'd always seen cities in a linear way - gobbling up resources at one end and spitting them out at the other. The seminar helped me to see how waste could become energy. Cities could be circular, not linear, and mimic nature itself.

无论我们新建还是扩建城镇,我们总会问,该建成一个什么样的环境才能让人和人之间和睦相处,和自然之间和谐共存,因为这些都是我们生存的基本条件。《圣经》中的人类历史:我们人类在一座花园(伊甸园)中诞生,并在一座花园城市中寻找自己的宿命。最后一章这样描述道:“生命之河,如水银泻地,在城市中流淌。” 河两岸是生命之树,它的树叶能为人们去病消灾。这就是一副自然与人工环境和谐共存的画面。不久之前,我邀请了利物浦的一些领导会见了一位城市可持续发展方面的专家。Herbert Giradet教授针对城市人居和可持续发展方面给出了10点关键原则。在此之前,我一直以为城市是单向的,一头吞噬大量资源,另一头将之消耗排出垃圾。这次研讨会让我认识到,废物也能变成能源。城市也可以像自然界一样循环再生,而非一直单向。

