




bivouac ; camp out ; camping ; camp-out

网 络camp;camping;camp out;go camping



All his camping gear was packed in the rucksack.


Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert!


Do you like camping?


Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Spain.


They've settled where to camp.


We bought a camper van so we could go away whenever the fancy took us.


These camp robbers have become habituated to campers as a food source.


Sagittarius goes camping for the long weekend.


Some people would not think of camping without a campfire.

1. Do you go camping ? 你去野营度假吗?

2. The campers got their provisions at the village shop. 野营者在乡村商店买食物.

3. They go to the same campsite year in year out. 他们年年都去同一个营地野营.

4. That shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping. 这家店铺供应野营所需的一切.

5. The campers amassed a large pile of branches before starting their fire. 野营的人们在架起篝火之前搜集了一大堆碎枝.

6. Father stepped in and forbade me to go camping. 父亲干涉,禁止我去野营.

7. The troops will be passing through our village on their camping trip. 野营部队要从咱们村过.

8. She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot hersleeping bag. 因为要出去野营,她特别地激动,以至于忘了带睡袋.

9. Our camping rig includes cooking pots and sleeping bags. 我们的野营装备包括锅子和睡袋.

10. This magazine caters for teenagers who go in for athletics, camping, etc. 这种杂志是供爱好体育运动 、 野营等的青少年阅读的.

11. If you go camping you'll have to rough it. 如果你去野营,你就要过简陋的生活.

12. A torch is useful at night when you are camping. 野营时,手电筒晚上很有用.

13. They spent the summer in a camp in the mountains. 他们在山中野营度过夏天.

14. We are camping in the hills for our holiday this year. 今年假期我们将要在山里野营.

15. They packed the food and camping equipment in the trailer. 他们把食物和野营用具都装上拖车上了.

16. Other employees include riding instructors and guides for hikers andcampers. 其他职工包括骑术指导和为徒步旅行者及野营者当向导的人员等.

17. Those who are going camping please gather at the gate. 要去野营的人请在大门口集合.

18. We used to go camping every summer when we were students. 我们当学生时每年夏天我们都去野营.

19. The campers went to sleep watching the glimmer of their small fire. 野营者看着他们的小火堆的微弱的闪光睡着了.

20. Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Spain. 请惠寄贵处有关在西班牙野营度假的宣传材料.

