



一、 教学目标


二、 教学内容




(图片节选自仁爱版八年级英语P40 , Section D ,Topic 2 , Unit 6)


讨论、示范、练习、同学之间互改、教师反馈。通过练习写作,让学生进一步巩固写日记的格式和时态,从而培养学生形成正确的写作方法及策略。通过写作,让学生进一步巩固写日记的格式和时态。 培养学生正确的日记写作方法及策略


Step1 . Review

1. Ask the students to read Michael’s diary of his trip to the Ming Tombs in 1a , Section D ,Topic 2 , Unit 6 , Grade 8.

2. Ask the students to pay attention to the form of the diary.

3. Ask the students to talk about the forms of the diary.

4. Leading:

Do you know how to write a diary ? When we write our diaries , what should we pay attention to ? We should pay attention to the forms of the diary. we should use the past tense , except that , we should pay attention to what we mainly write . We usually write the following: what we saw ; what we did ; who we met ; how we felt and so on . Step2. Presentation

1. Show the pictures to the students and ask the students to talk about the pictures.

2. Ask the students to say some sentences about the pictures.

3. Ask the students to write some sentences by using the words and expressions given.

4. go camping

1) run after a goat

2) get lost

3) help him get back

5. Teach something about the diary.


March 17th,2011 Thursday Rainy

Today, I still went to my mother’s office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They work hard every day. So I should save my money. And I can help them with housework because I am one of my family. In the future, I will take a job and work. But now I should study hard.


1)日记格式。一般是在左上角记上当天的日期(月、日、年或者日、月、年)、星期的排列顺序,星期写在日期之后;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的形容词,如:fine(晴朗的),cold (寒冷的),snowy(下雪的),sunny(晴朗的),rainy(多雨的),cloudy(阴天的)等。



Step3. Practice

1. Ask the students to say some sentences about the pictures.

2. Ask the students to write some sentences by using the words and expressions given.

3. Write down the diary and check the mistakes in your own diary .

4. Read the other students’ diary, and find out its mistakes and then correct them.

5. Show the good passage to the students.

Step4. Sum-up

1. Ask one or two students to sum up the important points in this lesson.

1).The forms of a diary

2).The tense we should use

3).What should we write when we write a diary ?

2. Let the students discuss the following question: What should we do when we are lost?

Step5. Project

1. Read another one student’s diary, and find out its mistakes, and then correct them.

2. Write a diary. Pay attention to the forms of the diary.




