



1、Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.


2、Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.


3、The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.


4、Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.


5、There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.








Hair and ears are neighbors, hair and ears in the superior, gansu. One day hair xianlaiwushi, see and ears that stares blankly are doing, so the hair on the ears said: "I say the ear, said you are one of the important organs of the human body, can I see you all day stay, unlike the eyes so prized, unlike the mouth so the gift of the gab, unlike the nose so eventful, often smell smell the! You have what is important, I see you even I can't be compared."

Ears only listen to not say, silence in their own world, the words did not make a response to the hair.

Hair felt ears of his ignoring the brotherhood is humiliating, hair is stuffy to hum the sound continued: "I say you can't compare with me, don't be upset, though I am not what important organs, I valued ah, I am a face the problem, people get up every day and the main thing, is the first combing and bursts would also like to go to professional care stores to nurse my, you say your ears when once was subjected to this treatment?"

The ears are still not speaking, stuffy in there, make no reply.

The hair is the pride of the bad ears, angry and shouted: "if you are deaf? Can't you hear me?"

Ears smiled, or did not speak.

Hair ears ignore completely outraged. She tugged at his own body, want to run to the edge of the ear to interrogate ears and she a quarrel. But she did not expect, because of their own strength to struggle, the snapped the roots of their own, and then falling to the ground, the people trampled on.

At this time the ear just below the body, loudly say to the hair: "remember, manage yourself, don't for someone else's good or bad is too excited, this can only hurt themselves."

This voice hair is inaudible, because she has the dust and mixed together, no past brilliance.


