



Han Meimei is invited to Johohn’s home.

H: Look at your room, it’s made of prizes.


J: Stop picking on me. Jealous?


H: Not a little bit.. You’re born with talents. That’s not fair.


J: I remember there’s a Chinese saying “one minute on the stage needs ten years of practice off the stage”. I’ve paid a lot.


H: Don’t be so serious. I was just babbling.What’s this prize for? “Best Delegate”,

H:别那么认真,我只是胡说的。这个奖状是什么? “最佳代表”。

J: For my outstanding performance in the Harvard Model United Nations Conference.

J:是我因在哈佛模拟联含国(HMUN )大会上的杰出表现而得的奖。

H: You’ve participated m that conference? Terrific!

H:你参加过?太棒了 !

J: It,s no big deaL


H: Was it interesting?


J: Yes, of course. But instead of using the word “interesting", I would rather say it's meaningful.


H: Did you learn a lot? Tell me what you learned,


J: First of all, I learned that it’s organized by undergrads from Harvard. I was surprised because it’s so influential. It turned out to be a college students’ organization.

J:首先,我了解到会议是由哈佛大学的本科生组 织的。为此我感到很吃惊,因为这个会议的影 响力很大,结果却是一个大学的学生组织。

H: That’s really incredible.


J: So I make determination to be an organizer if I should go to Harvard.

J:所以我如果能去哈佛上学,我也要成为它的一 个组织者。

H: You will. It must be interesting, exciting, and challenging to organize a HMUN Conference. I’d like to give it try if I have the chance. What else did you learn?


J; I learn how to think in other people’s shoes. You know, students had to play different roles that they might have never thought about.

J:我懂得了怎样设身处地为别人着想。你也知道,学生要扮演不同的角色,可能是 他们绝对想不到的角色。

H: It’s important to think in a different way.


J: This is very beneficial for me, I would say.


H; No wonder you're so considerate.


J: Thank you. Besides, because students had to debate, and sometime compromise, they needed to cooperate with others in order to solve international issues.


H: Cooperation is a word easy to say. What lacks in international negotiations is just cooperation.

H:"含作” 一词说起来容易做起来难。国际谈判中缺的就是含作。

J: As far as the HMUN Conference is concerned, by cooperating with people of my age, I gained a precious opportunity to listen to and share my viewpoints with students of different backgrounds the world over,

J:就HMUN大会而言,与和我同龄的人合作,让我有机会倾听并且与世界各地不同背 景的学生分享我的观点。

H: That’s quite meaningful. Most of the time, we don’t know what people from other countries think, and misunderstandings will lead to mistrusts.


J: Absolutely! Another important thing that HMUN taught me is that every single effort can make a difference for the entire human race. Anyway, the experience of participating in HMUN at least demonstrates students" ability.

J:对极了! HMUN让我彳董得的另一个重要的事就是,每一个单一的努力都会影响全 人类。不管怎么说,参加HMUN至少证明了学生的能力。

H: There’s no doubt about that. The experience in Model United Nations has been recognized by many top universities, and is one of the evaluation criteria while enrolling students.

H:这点毫无疑问。参加模拟联含国已经得到了许多一流大学的认可,并且是招收学 生的评估标准之一。

J: That’s why every year more than a thousand students from all over the world come to Boston to participate in the conference.


H: It began to attract Chinese students in 2005. Now a Lot of Chinese students attend the conference every year.

H:从2005年开始,中国学生也受到了 HMUN的吸引。现在,每年都有许多中国学生 参加这个大会。

J: It might not occur to you that this year, it was held outside Boston, or rather outside America.


H: It’s held in Beijing, China.


J: I was a little surprised, to be honest. It had never been held outside Boston.


H: I think HMUN-China indicates that HMUN will expand its influence overseas. What a pity! I am not in China.


J: Never mind, you can participate in the 2011 Conference. It’ll be the 58th session, and will be held in Sheraton Boston again, from January 27 to 30.

J:没关系,你可以参加2011年的大会。那将是第58届会议,1月27号~ 30号在 波士顿喜来登酒店举办。

H: Ok, I'll prepare for it from now on.


J: Good luck.


