



Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A.Lottery is extremely attractive.

B.People all have desire to be rich.

C.Humans are born to be optimistic.

D.It's hard to make a right decision.


A.To show that being optimistic also has its bad effect.

B.To explain why people are trying to win lotteries.

C.To prove a person's feeling is affected by environment.

D.To point out human beings are social creatures.


A.Stop smoking.

B.Be health-conscience.

C.Stay upbeat.

D.Accept the fate.

Passage Three

Ever won the lottery? No? But did that stop you buying another lottery ticket? If the answer is another "no", you might call yourself an optimist.But according to researchers at University College London, human beings are naturally hopeful creatures. It is all in the brain, they say. A study suggests it is very efficient at processing good news: about 80% of people have a tendency to see the glass as half-full, not half-empty, even if they don't consider themselves to be optimists. The good news is that this brings a health benefit. Being upbeat and having a positive outlook on life reduces anxiety. A study of nearly 100,000 women showed a lower risk of death from heart disease amongst optimists.

But it's not always good to be optimistic. The authors of the study point out the 2008 financial crisis may have been caused by analysts overestimating their assets' performance even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. There are personal health risks too. Dr. Tali Sharot, lead researcher, said: '"Smoking Kills' messages don't work because people think their chances of having cancer are low. There's a very fundamental bias in the brain.” But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. Even if seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses poses a risk to our health, we've not going to skip sleeping.Let's just keep our chins up and keep smiling!

23. What did researchers at University College London recently find?

24. What do the researchers mention the 2008 financial crisis for?

25. What does the speaker suggest people do?









【小题23】短文在开头就提到according to researchers at University College London, human beings are naturally hopeful creatures. 由此可知,满怀希望是人类的天性,也就是说,人类的天性还是很乐观的。因此答案为选项C。

【小题24】短文中首先提到But it's not always good to be optimistic.接着以the 2008 financial crisis 为例进行说明,由此可知,乐观也有它的负面影响。因此答案为选项A。

【小题25】短文最后一句Let's just keep our chins up and keep smiling!由此可知,作者还是认为人们应该保持乐观积极的态度。因此答案为选项C。


Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A.Poor memory.

B.Being isolated from friends.

C.Being uninterested in art.

D.Being mentally unstable.


A.Make neural connections.

B.Improve genetic structure.

C.Build up a health mind.

D.Expand brain capacity.


A.To test the new theory.

B.To improve the brain function.

C.To study the brain.

D.To provide psychological advice.


A.It makes use of the Internet.

B.It keeps personal records.

C.It gives detailed feedback.

D.It changes in accordance with the users.

Passage Two

As we people hit middle age, we often start to notice that our memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be.We suddenly can't remember where we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance's name, or the name of an old band we used to love.

This loss of mental focus can potentially have a bad impact on our professional, social, and personal well-being. Neuroscientists are increasingly showing that there's actually a lot that can be done. It turns out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions. Thinking is essentially a process of making neural connections in the brain. To a certain extent, our ability to excel in making the neural connections that drive intelligence is inherited. However, because these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate according to mental effort.

Now, a new San Francisco web-based company has taken a further step and developed the first "brain training program", Lumosity, to actually help us improve and regain our mental sharpness. Lumosity, is far more than an online place to exercise our mental skills. The program keeps track of our progress and provides detailed feedback on our performance and improvement. Most importantly, it constantly modifies and enhances the games we play to build on the strengths we are developing—much like an effective exercise routine requires us to increase resistance and vary our muscle use.

19. What common problem do middle-aged people have?

20. What good can thinking do to people?

21. What's the purpose of designing the program Lumosity?

22. What is the most important feature of Lumosity?











【小题19】短文在开头就提到人到中年often start to notice that our memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be,也就是说,中年人的记忆力大不如前了。因此答案为选项A。

【小题20】此题是针对思索的益处进行提问。短文中说Thinking is essentially a process of making neural connections in the brain.由此可知,思索可以帮助大脑建立神经连接。因此答案为选项A。

【小题21】短文中提到developed the first "brain training program", Lumosity, to actually help us improve and regain our mental sharpness.由此可知,人们设计Lumosity的目的是为了改善大脑的功能。因此答案为选项B。

【小题22】短文中提到Lumosity 最重要的一点是it constantly modifies and enhances the games we play to build on the strengths we are developing,也就是说,它会根据使用者的变化来不断进行调整。因此答案为选项D。


Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A.Falling in love with travelling.

B.Earning higher salaries.

C.Keeping memories easily.

D.Strengthening brain function.


A.He can master a language in ten days.

B.He is an expert on brain function.

C.He got the fund for his study from FBI

D.He designed the language learning approach.


A.Memorizing new words.

B.Learning to use core vocabulary.

C.Knowing the basic grammar.

D.Spending much time.

Passage One

Most people have recognized the benefits of learning a foreign language: You can travel to foreign countries and feel comfortable, be a more productive employee in today's competitive job market, and immerse yourself in the vast cultures that surround you. Scientific studies have even shown that learning a new language helps to keep memories sharp and naturally enhances overall brain function.

But did you know that you can learn a new language in as little as 10 days? The Pimsleur Approach to learning new languages helps users pick up new languages quickly. Even the FBI has purchased the Pimsleur Approach.

Your brain is already wired to start speaking a language in 10 days. You just need to activate it. Dr. Pimsleur, a Ph.D. and specialist in the field of applied linguistics, devoted his life and career to learning languages and understanding the psychology of language acquisition. Dr. Pimsleur was a language educator for more than 20 years. He noticed that children have an amazing ability to learn new languages quickly. He recognized through extensive researches that effective communication in any language depends on mastery of a relatively limited number of words. And, trying to learn too many words at first can actually slow the language learning process. However, once this "core vocabulary" is mastered and used consistently, it provides a framework for accelerated language learning. The Pimsleur Approach aims to teach you to use the core vocabulary of the language, so you can speak the most in the least amount of time. What counts is not how many words you know, but rather, how many words you can use.

16. Which one is the benefit of learning a new language?

17. What can be learned about Dr. Pimsleur?

18. What, according to Dr. Pimsleur, is the key factor to start speaking a new language in 10 days?










【小题16】短文在开头列出了几点学习语言的好处,其中就包括keep memories sharp and naturally enhances overall brain function,由此可知,学习语言可以增强大脑功能。因此答案为选项D。选项C与原文不符,选项A和B属于过度推断。

【小题17】此题是针对Pimsleur博士的个人情况进行提问。短文中提到The Pimsleur Approach to learning new languages helps users pick up new languages quickly.而Pimsleur是Pimsleur博士的姓氏,结合下文对该语言学习方法的介绍,可以推断该方法是Pimsleur博士设计研发的。因此答案为选项D。

【小题18】短文中Pimsleur博士提到The Pimsleur Approach aims each lesson at teaching you to use the core vocabulary of the language, so you can speak the most in the least amount of time.由此可知,学习核心词汇可以让人在最短的时间内开始应用一门外语。因此答案为选项B。

