



a:hi! how are you today?

b:i m fine! thank you. how are you?

a:fine thank you!right! i think we should give the student more work to do so they can remember what they did obviously they can get a better Results!

b:but i think you are wrong! becuase every one dont like to do lots works you have to catch the main point and let the student remember it so they can do any questions in that type!

a:i think you are right! thank you ! you give me a better idea!

b:no problem! you ca come and find me at any time. i'm mor than welcome!


a:hi! would you like to go to cinema with me? don't you think it cool watching film in the cinema than at home?

b:no i dont think so! if you go to cinema right you have to spend money to watch a film. i know it looks good but you still can found it in the internet. the film might be quicker on the internet than the cinema so why you have to spend that money on this boring thing? dont you think so?

a: but still it give you different feel if you are at the cinema!

b:Well,you can turn the light off when you watch a film at home and buy some popcorn,cola with it! same!

a:ok then! i'll see at home! see you later!

b:see you!


S= Salesperson C= Customer

S: Welcome to Super Stereos. What can I do for you?


C: I'd like to look at your stereo systems. Do you have anything on sale?


S: Yes, this system over here is on sale for $1,OOO. As you can see, all of the components are brand-new.


C: But it doesn't have a turntable. I have a fair number of vinyl records, so I need something to play them on.


S: Our selection of stereo systems with turntables is somewhat limited, but we do have this system over here. (to be continued)



S= Salesperson C= Customer

S: Welcome to Lens Magic, ma'am. How can I help you?

售货员:小姐,欢迎光临Lens Magico我能为你效劳吗?

C: I'd like to buy an inexpensive camera.


S: Well, we've got several point-and-shoot cameras. These are all 35 mm compact cameras with auto-focus and a built-in flash. We also have these Polaroid cameras.


C: I don't think I'll need a Polaroid. Does this 35 mm camera have an automatic flash?


S: Yes, it does. But you can turn it off if you want.


C: Okay, I'll take this one. Does it come with batteries and a case?


S: Yes, it does. Here, I'll box it up for you.


