


广东自考本科学位英语试卷:Part I Dialogue Completion

Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B,

C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Jenny: Shall I go and tell Mr. Fairbanks about our proposal? Jackie: ___________.

A. Yes, you go B. Yes, go C. Yes, let’s D. Yes, please

2. Mori: It’s a pleasure to meet you here. Kaco: __________.

A. Pleased to meet you, too

B. Thank you so much

C. I didn’t expect to see you here

D. You’re too hospitable

3. Williams: Excuse me. I’m looking for a present for my son. I have no idea what to get him, Can you help me? Sales girl: ____________.

A. Of course I can

B. No, I can’t actually

C. You must buy him a T-shirt

D. Yes, I think a T-shirt would be a good idea

4. Tim: I hear you’ve been to the book fair. How was it? Susan: _____________.

A. Absolutely marvelous

B. Very much indeed

C. Not necessarily

D. Quite disappointed

5. Ed: How do you get along with your new music teacher? Maggie: Ms. Davis? __________, but I like her a lot.

A. She’s humorous

B. She’s nice to me

C. She’s a bit strange

D. She’s good at dancing

6. David: Charles, could you drive me to the railway station? Charles: ____________

A. No, thanks. B. I’ll be there on time.

C. Sure, why not? D. Never mind.

7. Max: My son has been admitted by Beijing University. Walt: Congratulations! He is such a smart boy. Max: ___________.

A. Yes, he is B. You are right

C. Thank you very much D. Don’t mention it

8. Student: Do you mind our performing rock ‘n’ roll in the hall? Teacher: _________.

A. No, you’d better not B. Of course, it’s allowed here

C. Oh, I’d rather you didn’t actually

D. I’d prefer to listen to rock ‘a’ roll

9. Clerk: Excuse me, this a non-smoking place. Customer: __________

A. Oh, I’m sorry. B. How can you say that?

C. That’s all right. D. That’s impossible.

10. Waiter: How would you like your coffee? Customer: ____________.

A. It’s well done B. Very nice, thanks

C. With sugar, please D. Only one cup

11. Virginia: What about going to do some shopping this afternoon? Rena: ____________.

A. Go ahead, please. B. Good idea! C. Me, too. D. Help yourself.

12. Carlos: Thank you very much, Miss James. That helped me a lot. Miss James: ___________, Carlos.

A. Don’t thank me B. Don’t mention it

C. I’m fine D. I’m sorry

13. Susan: I’m worried. My son doesn’t like to talk with me. Tracy: ___________. We were all like that at his age.

A. Take it easy B. Change his mind C. Don’t quarrel with him D. Don’t refuse him14. Nicolas: I’d like to donate money to help poor children at school. To whom shall I give my share? Li Ming: ____________ I’ll ask about that and let you know.

A. Very well. B. Who knows? C. Thank you all the same. D. It all depends.

15. Kelvin: We’re almost finished with the project now. _____________. Teresa: Actually, I prefer to keep going.

A. Let’s hurry up B. We’ve too tired now

C. Wellbe on time D. Let’s stop for a break

广东自考本科学位英语试卷:Part II Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Jack Billabong is a stockman. One Friday afternoon he was riding along the track towards the Henderson farm. He was looking for a prize bull which had escaped from the Borrogee paddock. He reached the hills and saw at once that he could not go further.

There had been a fire in the forest which had gone out. But the air was still full of smoke and fallen trees had blocked the track. Jack was just going to turn back when he saw something moving in the smoke. He waited. It was a girl on a horse, and she was riding towards him. “There’s a badly burnt man on the farm,” the girl shouted. “He saved my life. Please help me to save him.”

The girl was Cathy Henderson. She had been on horseback for two hours. She had to jump over fallen trees that were still burning. Her pony had fallen with her twice. She was thirsty and almost dead from want of sleep. But she rode back to the farm with Jack immediately.

Joe Brook was unconscious when they reached him. They lifted him onto Jack’s horse. The ride back to Borrogee was terrible. Cathy was so tired that Jack had to tie her to her pony. The pony was tired too, but its courage was astonishing. It followed Jack right to Borrogee Hospital. Nobody saw them arrive because it was night.

“I’ve never seen a horse like that pony,” Jack said. Cathy praised Jack Billabong, but she refused to say anything about the pony, “Joe will write about her in his story,” she said.

But she did say one thing: “If flame hadn’t returned to the farm that afternoon, Joe and I would have died.”

16. Jack Billabong did not turn back because _____________.

A. he hadn’t found the bull yet

B. he smelt a heavy smoke in the forest

C. he knew there was a burnt man there

D. he saw something moving towards him

17. Why was the ride back to Borrogee terrible?

A. Because Joe was tired out.

B. Because the ride started late at night.

C. Because they didn’t have enough courage.

D. Because both Cathy and her pony were exhausted.

18. Cathy refused to talk to reporters about the pony when she was in Borrogee Hospital because ____________.

A. she didn’t know what to say

B. Jack asked her not to talk to them

C. she was too weak to say anything

D. Joe would write about it in his writing

19. What does the word “flame” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Jack. B. The pony. C. Jack’s horse. D. The fire.

20. Which of the following is the best title of the story?

A. Rescue of Joe Brook.

B. Courage of Jack Billabong.

C. Love of a Young Girl.

D. Heroism of a Lovely Pony.

Passage Two

The faces of elderly, happily-married people sometimes resemble each other. Dr. Aiken studied a number of couples who had been married for at least twenty-five years. Each couple provided four photographs—one photo of each partner at the time of their marriage and another photo of each partner twenty-five or more years later. All background was cut from the photos to remove any clues. The photos were then displayed in groups: a random grouping of the persons at the time of their marriage and another random grouping of the same persons who took photographs later. Some testees were asked to pick out the partners. They failed totally with the first group. Their judgements were no better than chance. But with the photos taken twenty-five or more years after the marriage, the testees were quite successful with the most happily-married couples.

Dr. Aiken believes there are several reasons why couples grow alike. One reason has something to do with imitation. One person tends to copy or do the same as someone else without knowing it. He says human begins to imitate the expressions of the faces of their loved ones. “Another possible reason,” he says, “is the common experience of the couples.” There is a tendency for people who have the same life experience to change their faces in similar ways. For example, if a couple have suffered from a lot of sad experiences, their faces are likely to change in a similar way.

21. Dr. Aiken cut the background from the photos for the purpose of __________.

A. imitating the couples’ life

B. grouping the couples again

C. leaving no trace for the testees

D. giving the testees more chances

22. The underlined sentence “Their judgements were no better than chance” implies that the testees __________.

A. did a good job in making their choices.

B. had difficulty in picking out the partners

C. had no chance to make the right judgements

D. did better with the first group than with the second

23. The underlined word “imitate” (in Para. 2) has a similar meaning to __________.

A. copy B. change C. know D. suffer

24. From the passage we can draw the conclusion that ___________.

A. couples who look alike can live longer

B. most partners have been proved to grow alike

C. the influence between partners can be quite strong

D. happily-married couples are often richer than others

25. The main purpose of the passage is to ___________.

A. explain why couples grow alike

B. tell how couples like each other

C. discuss the function of marriage

D. describe the life of happily married couples

