名词解释:主题公园(theme park),是根据某个特定的主题,采用现代科学技术和多层次活动设置方式,集诸多娱乐活动、休闲要素和服务接待设施于一体的现代旅游目的地。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
The theme park will not only include rides but also holograms of its leading cast as fans will get the chance to explore the stories' most famous locations including, of course, Baker Street.
While no official dates have been announced for the fun fair, it will revolve around actual plots with characters including the super sleuth's trusted side kick Dr. Watson and arch enemy Moriaty.

文中的###theme park就是“主题公园”的意思,其中theme作名词,意为“主题,主旨”,如:the dominant theme of the conference(大会的首要议题),此外,theme也可以指乐曲的主旋律,如:A slow theme introduces the first movement.(第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。)
最后一句的sleuth是名词,意为“侦探”,和detective的含义较相似,如:a bright sleuth(一位聪明的侦探)。