


自始至终[zì shǐ zhì zhōng]


from first to last ; ab ovo usque and mala [拉]; all the while ; during the whole period; all the way

网 络from first to last;from beginning to end;sempre;all the way



The prince remained loyal throughout.


The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish.



Davis has played all the way in the football game.


We drew on her experience throughout the project.


I enjoyed every minute of the performance.


The match was finely balanced throughout.


Food is a recurring theme throughout this book.


They chatted at the meeting from beginning to end.

1. Throughout, she illustrates her analysis with excerpts from discussions. 自始至终,她摘引讨论内容来阐明她的分析。

2. I have enjoyed every minute. The craic has been great. 我自始至终都很愉快,玩得很开心。

3. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga. 在聆听这个长篇传奇故事时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。

4. This Spanish drama has a vein of black humour running through it. 这出西班牙戏剧自始至终都带有几分黑色幽默。

5. Through it all, Mark was outwardly calm. 自始至终,马克表面上都显得很镇定。

6. It's something I have consistently denied. 那是我自始至终否认的事。

7. I'll support him all the way. 我自始至终都会支持他。

8. He was booed and heckled throughout his speech. 他的演说自始至终都遭到喝倒彩起哄。

9. The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish. 那会议自始至终十分无聊.

10. The principle had been pernicious from beginning to end. 这条原则自始至终都是有害的.

11. The meeting was a fiasco from start to finish. 会议自始至终都失败了.

12. The whole holiday was really enjoyable, from start to finish. 整个假期自始至终都很好,玩得很愉快.

13. He has consistently denied murdering his estranged wife. 他自始至终否认谋杀了分居的妻子.

14. Her speech was all in the same key. 她的演说自始至终是一个基调.

15. He stays all the way in the game. 他自始至终参加比赛.

16. The humour and throwaway lines ensure that the piece never loses its pace. 幽默和即兴的台词确保了这出戏自始至终的流畅。

17. From start to finish he believed in me, often more than I did myself. 他自始至终都相信我,而且时常超过我对自己的信任。

18. Her speech was all in the same key, ie monotonous. 她的演说自始至终是一个调子(单调乏味).

19. I knew all along that it was a lie. 我自始至终都知道这是个诺言. (始终)

20. Wemmick pervaded it throughout , but never appeared in it. 文米克自始至终参与其事, 可从来没有出过面.

