


fill v. 装满常用于固定结构:fill A with B用B装满A;

be filled with sth 装满了某物。例如:

They often fill the box with coins.他们经常把盒子装满硬币。The bottle is filled with milk.= The bottle is full of milk.瓶子里装满了牛奶。

seem v. 好像常用于句型:seem to do sth 似乎要去做某事;

It seems that... 似乎……。例如:

It seems to rain soon.

= It seems that it’s going to rain soon.


make v. 制造;使得其过去式和过去分词均为made。

常用于:make sb do sth 使得某人做某事;

make a noise 发出噪音;

make it 成功;be made of 由……制成(可看出原材料);be made from由……制成(不可看出原材料);be made in... 在某地制造。

find out查明(真相)与其意思相近的词有find; look for。


look for意为“寻找”,强调过程。

let sb down = make sb disappointed让某人失望I don’t want to let my parents down.


learn sth by heart记住某事物相当于remember或memorize。

have no idea about sth 对某事一无所知

相当于don’t know about sth不了解某事。

avoid doing sth 避免做某事

difficult adj. 困难的;difficulty n. 困难

invite v. 邀请;invitation n. 邀请

relax v. 放松;relaxed adj. 感到放松的;relaxing adj. 令人放松的

decision n. 决定;decide v. 决定常用于:make a decision to do sth


mind v. 介意;n. 脑海常用于:Never mind. 没关系。I don’t mind. 我不介意。Would you mind doing sth?你介不介意做某事?in my mind 在我脑海中;Mind your own business. 别多管闲事。


同义词also用在句子中间(助动词后面,行为动词前面),too用在肯定句末尾。either还有“两个中的任意一个”的意思,常用于either of... ……中的任意一个;either... or... 或者……或者……

表示花费的搭配sth costs sb some money某物花了某人一些钱;It takes sb some time to do sth做某事花了某人一些时间;sb spends some time/money on sth某人在某物上花了一些时间/钱;sb spends some time/money doing sth某人花一些时间/钱做某事;sb pays (some money) for sth某人为某物付款。

lie n. 谎言;v. 撒谎;躺;位于过去式与过去分词为:lie → lied → lied(说谎);lie → lay → lain(躺;位于);lay → laid → laid (放置;下蛋;产卵)。

