



The world, there are changes in every moment, my hometown is no exception. In recent years, I witnessed the gratifying changes of hometown.

Previously, home is full of dirt, rugged, unusually hard line. Usually also endure the past, but one to the rainy day, bumpy dirt roads into the water, like mud. Before, in the home not so advanced toilet bowl, as now is everywhere in the street of that kind of Trojan barrels, and the toilet is also find a few spare room to everywhere. The garbage behind the house everywhere; The rotten outcast sends out a fragrance of odor... Now have created into asphalt road, the road all kinds of cars. Several skyscrapers. Using the solar energy in the home, the flush toilet, the floor all paved in ceramic tile, wall also becomes whiter and brighter, even television in LCD TV, bigger and more comfortable bed is bigger, more soft; Also had various appearance of bag. With the trash can, it will be less smelly. Families are fitted with a gas burner; Each traffic intersection installation YiZhanZhan flashing traffic lights; When night falls, the street car shuttle, very busy. Quick highway can go to the cities...

Hometown of change is too big! I said also said not over. From now on, I will redouble our efforts to learn, grow up to the construction of my hometown more beautiful!


以前, 家乡全是泥路,高低不平,异常难行。平常还忍得过去,可是一到下雨天,坑坑洼洼的泥路进了水后,犹如泥浆一般。以前,家乡里没有像现在这么高级的抽水马桶,都是街上随处可见的那种木马桶,而且卫生间也是随处找几个房间腾出来的。房前屋后的垃圾到处可见;腐烂的弃物散发出阵阵臭气…… 现在泥路变成了柏油路,路上有了各式各样的汽车。好几座高楼大厦拔地而起。家里用上了太阳能,装了的抽水马桶,地上全都铺了瓷砖,墙壁也变得更白更亮了,就连电视机也换得更大更舒适的液晶电视了,床也更大,更软了;也有了各种样子的书包。有了垃圾桶,就不会那么臭。家家户户都装上了煤气灶;每一个交通路口都安装一盏盏闪烁的红绿灯;每当夜幕降临,街上车辆穿梭,热闹非凡。快捷的高速公路可以到各个城市......



Today is September 10th, teachers' day is a 32, is a special day.

In the teachers' day. We will give the teacher a precious gift, I am no exception, I want to use a piece of paper to draw a beautiful greeting card to the teacher.

Beloved teacher, you are a candle, burning their lights others, you are like a piece of chalk, pass the knowledge to everyone.

Remember that time, my a maths examination because of carelessness, failed the exam without serious topic, the teacher you didn't criticize me, but I find out the cause of the error, with patiently explain, make my grades had greater progress, thank you in my heart, in math I will do more exercise, regular check, must be thoroughly get rid of carelessness. Attention should be paid to listen in class, improve our studies, the bad habit of break in the clouds.

As the saying goes: "as long as kung fu deep, iron pestle into a needle." I will be in various branches, never live up to the expectations of teachers and parents to me, do a morality, intelligence and physique, us, fatigue all-round development of students.

Here, I wish you a happy teachers' day, healthy body, the work is smooth, plum, full of the world!








Tomorrow is teachers' day, we the class is going to give the teacher a big surprise!

Our plan is as follows: in the first message and pattern on the big picture on the blackboard, such as the teacher come, say "teacher together, happy holidays!"

I arrived this morning, the students have been painted. I also want to draw, but I'm going to sweep the floor, so we have to ask advice.

I clean the back of the class, the door is shut it, very mysterious. I opened the door, he saw a beautiful picture of the blackboard. Although I am not a teacher, but I am also very touched.

The pony classmate say: "the teacher is coming, everybody sit down quickly!" We'll sit down, and monitor the platform side. The teacher push open the door, the monitor said: "123!" , then we together with the whole class said: "I wish the teacher happy holidays!" Flicker, the teacher was very moved, and tears.

Now I just want to say to the teacher: "teachers happy holidays! In the later days, I will redouble our efforts!







