


"A Coffin for Dimitrios",(英国名:The Mask of Dimitrios) Eric Ambler.

《迪米特里奥斯之棺》 【英】 埃里克•安卜勒 埃里克•安布勒 (爱瑞克•安博勒)


厄斯金•查尔德斯、威廉•勒克、爱德华•奥本海姆等人创立了早期西方间谍小说的浪漫主义冒险模式。二十世纪三、四十年代,埃里克•安布勒 (1909—1998)和格雷厄姆•格林(1904—1991)将这一模式继续推进,创立了以现实主义为主要特征的现代间谍小说。与早期间谍小说相比,现代间谍小说没有那么多"爱国主义"的陈腐气,而且在作品的主题思想、情节结构、人物塑造等方面,也注入了更多现实主义活力。

英國間諜和犯罪小說家。早期的作品有《黑暗的邊界》(The Dark Frontier, 1936)、《一個間諜的墓誌銘》(Epitaph for a Spy, 1938)、《迪米特里奧斯的假面具》(A Coffin for Dimitrios, 1939)和《航向死亡》(Journey into Fear,1940;1942年拍成電影)等作品聞名。第二次世界大戰時以電影導演的身分在英國陸軍服役。所寫的電影劇本和小說有《德爾切夫的審判》(Judgment on Deltchev, 1951)、《光天化日》(The Light of Day, 1962)及其續集《骯髒的故事》(Dirty Story, 1967)。


English crime novelist Charles Latimer is travelling in Istanbulwhen he makes the acquaintance of Turkish police inspector ColonelHaki. It is from him that he first hears of the mysteriousDimitrios - an infamous master criminal, long wanted by the law,whose body has just been fished out of the Bosphorus. Fascinated bythe story, Latimer decides to retrace Dimitrios' steps acrossEurope to gather material for a new book. But, as he graduallydiscovers more about his subject's shadowy history, fascinationtips over into obsession. And, in entering Dimitrios' criminalunderworld, Latimer realizes that his own life may be on theline.


Eric Ambler (1909-98) was one of the most fascinating Britishwriters of the late 1930s. His novels retain a remarkable sense ofthe dread and terror that filled Europe as world war broke out.Some were made into films (not least Orson Welles' superb versionof Journey into Fear), all were bestsellers, inventing a new, morerealistic form of spy novel, where the main protagonist is not somuch a hero as a victim, pursued by malevolent Fascist forces ofoverwhelming power. These are paranoid stories, but written at atime when paranoia was disturbingly close to mon sense.

