


Having a glowing smartphone in your bedroom atnight could do more than interrupt your beautysleep – it could also make you fat, researchers have warned。


They say that our bodies need pitch-black dark to produce the right levels of a hormoneinvolved in regulating the conversion of food and drink into energy。


It means ambient light from street lamps can disrupt the release of melatonin and preventus burning food as efficiently。


But scientists say short-wavelength blue light, which is emitted by some devices when theyare charging, is the most disruptive to sleep – and consequently our metabolism。


Although it is not bright enough to light up a room, it still disrupts our bodies, they said. Ateam at the University of Granada in Spain discovered that injections of melatonin helpedcombat obesity and diabetes in rats by helping to regulate their systems。


Now experts at Manchester University are investigating how regulating sleep patterns mighthelp patients who already have diabetes, a disease often linked with obesity。


Dr Simon Kyle, a sleep researcher at the university, said: ‘A lot of people are interested in thisat the moment given that as a 24-hour society, sleep deprivation is increasing and we areexposing ourselves to artificial light at night。


‘We are interested in how an alteration in the sleep-wake pattern may be involved in the onsetof diabetes and obesity and if, when you improve the timing of sleep you can also have apositive effect on conditions like diabetes and obesity。


'There is a lot of research showing we are meant to be asleep at night when darkness falls andmelatonin rises and when the sun rises the melatonin is blocked by the sun. This light-darkcycle is good for our bodies to predict changes in the environment。


‘So if you start sleeping shorter, or receive light at the wrong time late into night, it disruptsmelatonin secretion and that could contribute to alterations in metabolism.’


Blue light is the most damaging because it keeps the mind buzzing, he added。


Earlier this year, leading scientists from universities including Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard,warned that a lack of sleep can cause severe health problems, such as cancer, heart disease,Type 2 diabetes and obesity, because it upsets the body clock。


They said the modern phenomenon was being fuelled by our use of devices late at night whichemit blue light。


Dr Kyle advised turning off smartphones, tablets and desktop computers a couple of hoursbefore going to bed to reduce exposure to artificial light。


He added: ‘There is strong basic science and data to show the association between sleepinterference and disease。


‘If you can have complete darkness at night time you might be able to recreate time’s pre-industrial period and have a stab at improving the obesity epidemic.’


