



when she was tired with hunting artemis used totake abath in a little mountain spring.one hotsummer afternoon she was playing in the cool,quietwater with hermaidens when she heard a rustlebehind the bushes .she feltquite angry to find thata young hunter was peeping admiringlyat her nakedbody .her maidens gave a sharp cry and crowdedaround the goddess.but young actaeon had seenthe huntress.

actaeon loved the hunting.he had been searching the woods every day.on this particularafternoon he felt so tired with running about that he,by accident,came over to the springinsearch of water.he was thus surprised to find artemisba thing.the angry goddess was not tobe calmed.she splashed water in the hunter''s face.as soon as the water drops fell onactaeon,he was changed into a stag .just at that moment he heard the barking of his team offifty hunting dogs.they were coming up to him.he was suddenly seized with fear ,andpresently ran away.the dogs,all driven mad by the goddess,ran after him closely.runningas fast as his legs could carry him,actaeon was soon out of breath .feeling certain that he1was to die,he dropped to the ground and made no further attempt to get up.the dogs camenearer to their former masterand tore him to pleces.




after the killing of medusa,perseus,carrying herhead with him,flew far and wide,over land andsea.as night came on,he reached the western limitof the earth ,where the sun goes down.here hewould gladly have rested till morning.it was thekingdom of king atlas,who was bigger than all othermen.he was rich in flocks and herds and had noneighbor or rival to invade his country.but hischiefpride was in his gardens,whose fruit was ofgold,hanging fromg olden branches,half hid withgolden leaves.perseus said tohim,“i come as a guest.i claim zeus for my father and ikilledmedusa.i seek rest and food.”but atlas remembered that anancient prophecy hadwarned him that a son of zeus should one day rob him of his golden apples .so heanswered,“go away!or neither your false claims of glory or parentage shall protect you” ;and he attempted to drive him out.perseus,finding thegiant too strong forhim,said,“since you value my friendship solittle,please accept a gift”;and turning his faceaway,he heldup medusa''s head.atlas was changed into stone.his beard and hair becameforests,his arms and shoulders cliffs,his head asummit,and his bones rocks.each partincreased till he becamea mountain,and(such was the pleasure of the gods)heaven with allits stars rests upon his shoulders.



arethusa was once a fairy maiden huntress.shecarriedbow and arrows for artemis in herhunting.she was sodevoted to her work that shecared for neither admirationnor love.one sunnysummer day,she felt hot and found a coolstreamquite attractive.she jumped into the delightfulstreamand happily started swimming.presently sheheard a bubbling in the stream and was surprised tofind it was the thunderingvoice of the rivergodalpheus.the maiden made for the shore and,fullynaked,started running away.taking a human form,the river-god followed closely in pursuit.onward they spedover hill and valley,across dark heights and over broad plains,until thewaters of the western sea lay stretched out right before them .helplessly the exhaustedarethusa cried to her patronessfor help.artemis instantly cast a cloud over her body,but thepigheaded alpheus was not to be tricked.then a cold sweatbroke from the maiden''s arms andlegs.the drops of water fellfrom all over her body.she had been turned into a spring!alpheusrecognized her new form and presently took his formershape to join with arethusa and enjoy hercompany.artemisthen broke the ground and arethusa sank down and flowed all the waythrough the under world from southern GREece to sicily .she rose up again at syracuse,onlyto find that therivergod had endured the darkness of the lower world andturned up as a streamas well.mixing his waves with hers,hegained her love in the end.


