




一、 学习目标:

1) Important words: mad, anymore, message, suppose, hard-working

2) Important phrases: watch soap operas, be supposed to do, first of all, pass on, sth. happen on …

3) Important Sentences

① She said she was mad at Marcia.

② She said she was having a party for Lana.

③ What happened on “Young Lives” last night?

④ You are supposed to meet at the bus stop to return it.

4) Grammar: 直接引语和间接引语

二、 重点难点:





(一) 直接引语和间接引语的含义:




(二) 直接引语变间接引语的方法:

1. 从句人称的变化:


1) 直接引语的主语是第一人称时,变为间接引语时要和主句的主语保持一致。eg:① They said,“We will go there by bus”


→ They said they would go there by bus.


② He said,“I am visiting my aunt next week.”

→ He said that he was visiting his aunt next week.


① She said to me,“Are you interested in science?”


→ She asked me if /whether I was interested in science.


② He said to me,“You are hard-working.”

→ He told me that I was hard-working.


eg: His mother said to me,“ He can’t go to school.”


→ His mother told me that he couldn’t go to school.


2. 从句时态的变化:

1) 如果主句是一般现在时或一般将来时,直接引语变间接引语时,从局的时态保持不变。

eg: He says,“I am visiting my aunt next week.”


→ He says that he is visiting his aunt next week.


① 一般现在时改为一般过去时;

② 现在进行时改为过去进行时;

③ 一般将来时改为过去将来时。


eg: The teacher said to us ,“Light travels faster than sound”.


→ The teacher told us that Light travels faster than sound.

3. 句型的变化:

1)如果直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语时要用that来引导,that可省略。 eg: He said,“I like watching TV.”他说:“我喜欢看电视”。

→ He said that he liked watching TV.

2)如果直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,需用if或whether来引导,且用陈述句语序。eg: He asked me,“ Will you buy the red coat?”


→ He asked me if/whether I would buy the red coat.

3)如果直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,引导词就是特殊疑问词,且用陈述句语序。 eg: She asked me,“Where are you from?”

她问:“你从哪里来的?” → She asked me where I was from.


如:tell( ask , order ,…) sb. (not) to do sth.

eg: “Open the door.” The teacher said to me.

→ The teacher told me to open the door.

“Don’t open the door.” The teacher said to me.

→The teacher told me not to open the door.


( )1. She said she ______ sorry for being late.

A. is B. was C. were D. are

( )2. I asked her ______.

A. why does she want to copy my homework.

B. why did she want to copy my homework.

C. why she wants to copy my homework.

D. why she wanted to copy my homework.

( )3. My father told me the earth ______ round.

A. is B. was C. will be D. would be

( )4. She asked me ______ she could use my mobile phone.

A. that B. for C. weather D. if

( )5. He told us ______ he would buy a new car.

A. which B. that C. what D. if

Step2 Learn the new words

1.mad adj.

① 生气的;气愤的 构成结构:be mad at sb.=_________意为“生某人的气”

eg: 我妈妈很生我的气,因为我没有完成家庭作业。

My mother is ______ ______ me because I didn’t finish my homework.

② 疯狂的;着迷的 相当于crazy,构成短语:be mad to do sth.

eg: 你开车这么快,一定是疯了。

You must be mad ______ ______ so fast.

2.not … anymore 不再;再也不

eg: 我将再也不是你最好的朋友了。I_____ be your best friend______.他不再住这儿了。 He ____ live here ______ .

3.first of all 首先 = __________

4.message cn. 消息;信息;口信

拓展:给某人捎口信 ________给某人留口信 _______发短信 _________

5.pass on 传递 试译:传递给某人某物 __________________________

= pass on sth. to sb.

eg: 请把钢笔传递给Tom. ____________________________________

这是Tom的钢笔,请传给他。 ____________________________

6.suppose v. 假定;认为;期望

短语:be supposed to do sth. = should do sth. 译作:__________

be not supposed to do sth. = shouldn’t do sth. 译作:__________

eg: 你应该认真听讲。You _____ _____ _____ _____ carefully.

你不应该上课迟到。You ____ _____ _____ _____ late for class.

7.hard-working adj. 勤勉的;努力工作的

eg: 他是一个努力工作的人。He is a _________ person.

你很努力。You are _________.


1.He left a m______ on your table.

2.Don’t ______(生气) her. She is still too young.

3.They both ______(传递)their sticks at the same time.

4.He ______(归还) my MP3 to me yesterday.

5.They will ______(举办一个惊喜的晚会) for Tom.

Step 3 课文重点知识讲解:

1. You are supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it.

精讲:return v.

①“归还” 相当于 give back

短语:换给某人某物 return sb. sth.= ___________________

= give sth. back to sb.

eg: 请把伞还给我。_____________________________________

② return to someplace “返回某地”相当come/go back to some place.

eg: 他就要回上海了。He will ______ ______ Shanghai.

2. Lana told Marcia she would bring some books to her house.

区别:bring / take

① bring “拿来,带来”指从别处把物或人带到或拿到说话者所在的位置。

② take “拿走,带走”表示把人或物拿开或带离说话者所在的位置。

③ take with “随身携带”

eg: 明天不要忘了把你的作业带到学校里来。

Don’t forget ______ ______ your homework to school tomorrow.

请把这些书带给Tom。 Please ______ these books to Tom.


Don’t forget ______ ______ an umbrella, when you go out.


(一) 单项选择

( )1. Can you ______ some music CDs to the party?

A. take B. bring C. carry D. borrow

( )2. She ______ she ______ a party for her sister the next day.

A. says; were having B. said; had

C. says; had D .said; was having

( )3.The accidents happened ______ a cold winter morning.

A. in B. on C .at D. of

( )4. We are supposed ______ there before seven. So we must hurry up.

A. get B. to get C. getting D. not to get

(二) 将下面的句子变成间接引语

1.My mother said:“I am going to make dumplings”.

2.She said:“I do homework every day.”

3.He said:“I will play basketball this night.”





