


六年级学英语小故事:I Need Water for My Clients

Cynthia and George went shopping together at Wal-Mart. “I need a water dispenser for my office,” Cynthia told George.

“What do you mean by water dispenser?” George asked.

“You know, one of those things that they put the big five-gallon jug upside down into. Then you can pour yourself cold water using the blue handle, or hot water using the red handle,” Cynthia said.

George tried to tell her that she had too few clients coming to her office to need such a dispenser. He told her to buy a case of bottled water. She could keep the bottles cold in the office refrigerator. Plus, she had a stove and a coffeemaker in her office, so she could use either of them to produce hot water for her clients or herself.

“A contract with a water company is going to cost you at least $30 a month,” he argued. “And maybe you won’t even be consuming that much water a month. Why don’t you wait a few months and see how many clients you get and then decide if a water dispenser is absolutely necessary? If it is, buy it then. There’s no rush to buy it now.”

In addition, he argued, the trunk of her car was too small for the dispenser to fit into. Nor would it fit into her back seat. So, “end of argument,” he concluded. They left Wal-Mart. Cynthia dropped George off at his place, and then drove back to Wal-Mart. The dispenser was in a box that was almost the size of Cynthia, but she carted it out to the parking lot and managed, somehow, to get it into her trunk.

That night, when George called, he asked, “You didn’t go back to Wal-Mart and buy that thing, did you?”

“Of course not!” she told him.

六年级学英语小故事:Putting Bunny to Sleep

Jim and Alicia had two dogs – Bugs and Bunny. They were both 15 years old. Bunny was dying. Bugs was still healthy. They were brother and sister, and had been together since birth. They had never been separated for longer than a couple of hours.

Jim and Alicia weren’t sure what to do. The vet had told them that Bunny was in pain, and might continue to suffer for as long as another year. This was unacceptable to both Jim and Alicia. So, putting Bunny to sleep now, instead of letting her suffer, was not an issue. However, what to do about Bugs? The vet said Bugs was still healthy. He could last another two to three years. But how long, they wondered, would he last without his sister?

Bunny had always been Bugs’s “big sister”; she was confident and assertive. Bugs was rather timid. He didn't mind when his sister bossed him around; she was also there for him when he was feeling anxious. Bugs followed Bunny everywhere. And whenever Bunny decided to sleep, Bugs always curled up next to her, whether he was sleepy or not.

Jim and Alicia both arrived at the same conclusion without very much discussion. When they took Bunny to the vet so that she could be put to sleep, Bugs went, too.

六年级学英语小故事:Darn Battery

The Buick wouldn’t start. Considering it was 15 years old, this shouldn’t have been a surprise. But, the battery wasn’t that old. It was a Die Hard, sold by Sears. Gerard had bought it six years ago, but it was a 100-month battery. It was fully guaranteed for the first 12 months, and then pro-rated after that.

Gerard called Sears. The service rep told him he would probably get “$10 to $40” credit toward a new battery. Gerard wondered how there could be such a $30 range, but he didn’t bother to ask. If the problem was electrical, he asked the service rep, what would Sears fix? The rep said Sears only replaced alternators and starters; if the electrical problem involved something else, Gerard would have to take it to the dealer.

Gerard went out to pull the battery out of his car so he could recharge it overnight. Then he could hook the battery up the next day and use a meter to see if the electrical system was working properly. He opened the hood. He looked. He looked some more. Where was the battery?! Had someone stolen it?

He opened the manual. The manual said nothing about the location of the battery. He called up his friend Bryan. Bryan told him that he was looking in the wrong place; the battery was under the rear seat. Gerard scoffed. “Nobody puts a battery under the rear seat—except Volkswagen,” he told Bryan.

“Well, it’s got to be somewhere if it’s not under the hood,” Bryan replied. Gerard went back out to the Buick and lifted up the rear seat. He found a few coins, some real old chewing gum, a paperback novel, and a watch battery—but no car battery.

Enough was enough. Gerard called 六年级学英语小故事’s emergency road service. Before the tow truck driver towed the Buick to Sears, Gerard asked him if he knew where the battery was. “Oh, sure,” he said. “It’s under the hood, but you’d never know it because it’s completely hidden by the big, white plastic windshield washer reservoir.”







