


There were two men who both decided to get a horse for riding .One man found a red horse with much spirit. The other chose one more docile. They would go riding together every day. It so happened on the route they would take around the countryside, there was a ditch about eight or nine feet wide, after a time it was apparent that the red horse’s spirit could not be shaken and he gave everything he had in all he did.


When coming up to this gap in the trail he hurled it the first time. Because of the spirit in him he was quick to respond and jumped it with no problem. Yet the more docile horse would balk every time he came to the edge. He wasn’t sure of the distance; he would stand on the edge trembling with indecision and doubt because the distance to him looked too great.


Then one day after a while, coming up to the ditch and watching his companion take it with ease, something happened within him, a knowing was born that he could too. So with agility and ease he gracefully bounded over the barrier.


Life is much like the two horses. When we as people come up against trials or situations we just don’t feel like we can make the distance or that it just is too big and we don’t know if we’ll make it, so we balk standing on the edge trembling.


It’s not until we depend upon the spirit within. Then we are able to make it with ease. Until we quit looking at the obstacle or trial through our eyes, they will always seem too big for us.


But there is a spirit within us that can judge the distance to the other side and will give us the strength to make it through it. As long as we let it.


It all comes to a choice whether we look for the spirit within or just stand on the edge and balk.


