




After entering the company, everyone pretending like pain, said the company layoffs. Now look at what your colleagues face?




Call your friend first tie a horse, good posture, his mouth sheets of paper, note that this is exercise our posture before, then you take him from the room changed to another room, everything is ready, you can very frustrating to say the sentence: "!. drastic change Well I was not living, but living stool is so"




First in the pen on the map, "Balm" and not too much. Then go to one person: Please help me write XX words, I forgot how to write. After he finished with this pen, hand a few fingers naturally Fengyoujing it. Then pretend to care, said: ah! Your right there is a great piece of gum eyes ah. He used his right hand to rub the eye naturally, then ...... a little hard to rub in the right eye when he said he left there gum


先在钢笔上图上“风油精”,不要太多。然后去给一个人:请帮我写个XX字,我忘了怎么写了。他用此钢笔写完后,右手几根手指自然就有风油精了。然后假装关心的说:啊!你的右眼里有很大一块眼屎啊。他自然用右手去揉右眼,然后... ...要狠一点就在他揉右眼时说他左眼也有眼屎.


If you are going to night classes or working at night, two people went to the middle of the night high floor, leaving the later the better, and to wait for the elevator, the elevator door until there are only one or two people, when, just as your friend said: "wow, elevator so crowded, we still walk it. "estimate people inside the elevator might be scared face was turning blue, and if a friend plus a" yes ah, too crowded, "the effect will be doubled.




Attached to everyone in the classroom shouted three times in English! ! peace war found (I put the fart)!


在教室里对大家连着大喊三声英文!!peace war found (屁是我放的) !

Fifteenth place:

When you are a person lonely emptiness, pencil may be your best plaything. You can use a small knife it, cut it, cut it, and you will be able to vent their loud roar first: I kill pen, pen to kill me, I kill a pen!



Fourteenth place:

With sunglasses, holding a stick lit road, pretending to be blind to the beauty coming towards collision, hey hey ...... Tips: Be sure to dress like, or you will be difficult to end.



Thirteenth place:

To play people as early as possible ready reserve, weekdays prepare some world-class brand handbags, boxes, etc. (there is a real better), then considered quasi shopaholic good support often sit back and wait out the time and place, but inadvertently left escapement with adidas, nike , leaving the right hand ELLE, then took three SPRIT loaded body after look, after greeting Dakan what luck today, these stores play two fold fold, and then describe some Tuomohengfei, doors do not have to squeeze rotten after hurried farewell to the class and did not tell him to put himself back to buying stuff ......


要耍人趁早作好后备,平日多准备些世界级名牌的手袋,盒子等(有实物更好),然后算准购物狂好支常出的时间地点守株待兔,同时不经意的左手擒着 adidas, nike,右手挎着ELLE,再拿着三SPRIT装体经过的样子,寒暄之后大侃今日何等运气,这些专卖店打二折三折,再唾沫横飞地描述一番,门都要挤烂了再不去没有之类的后急匆匆地告别并告诉他自己回去放东西去抢购……

Twelfth place:

There is no love around you Zhanxiaopianyi people, you can put a cigarette out tobacco careful, be careful not to break the cigarette paper, then put pepper at the end, put on tobacco collated in a he often went to the place not to let him take control him, you will be spectacular after burning it.




I want to use the lovely vegetable garlic, green onions, onions, carrots, etc. made a bouquet gave a cute little boy. Sprinkle a little juice in the best stinky bouquet above. Of course, by a professional lady have sent flowers very formal effect. I would also like to do a big bouquet with bean curd skin greeting cards, top with sauce write my heartfelt greetings.




I gave the boy sleeping in the dormitory of a trick: the boy fell asleep after the other, in their sole lightly coated with a little toothpaste, and then a light wind blowing, you will receive unexpected results. However, if they hit you, you do not find me afterwards, oh! Friendly reminder: Non-Friends Do not imitate!



Ninth place:

Take flavored pork, mapo tofu paste or use bottled vegetable stir rice pudding. To bars and other public places, drinking rice pudding drink in the classroom, a person pretending to numerous liquor like vomiting, homeopathy will pour vegetable paste, others quickly pulled out a spoon Mengchi and for enjoyment shape. Bystanders absolutely vomiting.



Eighth place:

The removal of the sandwich sandwich crackers , coated with toothpaste , placed in a conspicuous place , eating while reading their own cookies ( of course, camouflage ) , if it is in the bedroom , someone must be taken in order to strengthen the effect , you can let it eat a cup of boiled water evacuation , to enhance the effect of foaming at the mouth .

第八位: 将夹心饼干去除夹心,涂上牙膏,置于显眼处,自己边看书边吃饼干(当然是伪装),如果是在寝室,一定有人上当,为加强效果,可待其吃下后送白开水一杯,以加强口吐白沫的效果。

Seventh place:

April Fool's Day to send a message to your female students : I know you talk about hygiene, washing hands after using the toilet every time , but wash it very carefully. Suddenly time you did not wash , I wonder : how did not wash their hands ? Your answer: the I band of paper !



Sixth place :

Walking in a tree or telephone pole on both sides of the road ( which often have such campus road ) , suddenly back an upward, cover the face, pretending to be stretched on both sides of the tree invisible thread or wire tripped up face, then bowed his head cautiously , pretending drilled from below past . Then you can look at the people behind how did !



Fifth place:

Chat room users complain about : how today's speed so slow to say a word to display a big burst out of their own : ? ! Oh ~ ~ Yeah , I do know a way to speed up the speed , but also old friends a few days ago ? tell my friends: ! say say yourself: ! find that little bit of chassis called reset key , and then press down friends: ! so ...



Fourth place:

Every ten minutes to each individual company sent an email telling them what you're doing , say, "I'm the bathroom , if you need me, please do not hesitate ."



Third place:

Foxmail is open and any fool create a new account , and then open the message store folder, Inbox file its accounts under common cut backup to safe areas ( not easily be found not easily accidentally d ) , then just copy the new builds accounts opened under the Inbox folder households were fools to the common account , and finally back Foxmail, will you just the new account .



Second place :

Buy a bottle of Coke, drink half , the incorporation of vinegar, soy sauce, salt , mustard and other condiments, a carefully modulated color and smell normal cola . Acquaintance pretended was drinking , and then generously put "Coke" handed to the other party unsuspecting , while thanking the side gulp down , followed frown, then spit mouth . You can also concocted by law , such as mineral water Pour into Erguotou wine, beer go against the point of soapy water , and so on .



The first one :

Pranksters take a length of rope , stopped a pedestrian , asking him to help measure the size. Then took the other end of the rope , turned floor corner , and stopped another pedestrian , followed suit . Then you can go hide in the side to watch . Two people may wait ten minutes, only to see no movement down the rope , go ask the other party to understand , then will find fooled .



Attached to the origins of April Fool's Day :

April 1 each year in Western countries folk festival - April Fool's Day (April Fool's Day). April Fool's Day originated in France. In 1564 , France was the first to adopt new law in mind , that is now common Gregorian calendar , January 1 as the beginning of the year . But some conservative who still stubbornly in accordance with the lunar calendar April 1 this day to celebrate the New Year. Advocates reform of those old-fashioned people who ridicule big plus in April 1st day they send fake gifts, invited to leave the reception and the Tories cheated called " April Fool " or " bait fish ." Since then people have to fool each other on April 1 , becoming popular custom in France . Early 18th century, the custom spread to England April Fool's Day , followed by Britain's early immigrants to the United States.













