



一. 听力(20分)(略)

二. 单项选择(20分)

21. ——Are you going to Beijing by ______ train?

——No. I’m taking ______ car.

A. /; a B. a; the C. /; / D. the; a

22. My best friend Wang Ying said she would come ______ Saturday morning.

A. in B. to C. on D. at

23. This physics problem is kind of difficult. Not______can work it out.

A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody

24. Jack and his friends often play sports or watch movies for ______ on weekends.

A. exercise B. wishes C. hobbies D. fun

25. ——We are going to the beach next month.


A. hears B. listens C. sees D. sounds

26. ——Gina is ill in hospital. She can’t come to school today.


A. I don’t think so

B. It doesn’t matter

C. I’m sorry to hear that

D. That’s not a good idea

27. I have ______ things to do. I can’t spend ______ time playing computer games.

A. too much; too many

B. too much; too much

C. too many; too much

D. too many; too many

28. I feel very ______. Please give me some water.

A. thirsty B. relaxed C. sad D. angry

29. He doesn’t feel well, so he ______ stop smoking.

A. has to B. doesn’t C. likes to D. have to

30. Thanks a lot for______ me ______ my English.

A. help; on B. helping; with

C. to help; about D. helping; to

31. I didn’t know your sister came back_____I met her in the street.

A. ago B. when C. until D. after

32. ——Would you like to visit the museum this Saturday? ——________.

A. Yes, please B. Sure, I’d love to

C. Yes, I would D. No, I wouldn’t

33. His mother often makes him ______ TV after supper.

A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watches

34. ——How are you feeling today?

——Much ______. I think I can go to school tomorrow.

A. good B. well C. better D. best

35. There ______ rainy and windy in Yuncheng tomorrow.

A. will have B. will has C. is having D. will be

36. ——Did you go to the beach with them yesterday?

——No. I ______ go there. You know, I can’t swim.

A. sometimes B. often C. never D. usually

37. ——Tomorrow is Sunday. Are you going swimming?

——I’m not sure. It ______ the weather.

A. looks like B. waits for

C. looks after D. depends on

38. ——______ do you have a speech contest?

——Twice a year.

A. How long B. How much

C. How many D. How often

39. It’s very kind of you to ______ so much time showing me around your school.

A. spend B. take C. cost D. have

40. ——Tina, you didn’t come to school yesterday. ______? ——I had a high fever.

A. How about you

B. What was the matter

C. Where did you go

D. What do you do

