

计算机出现于20世纪40年代,尽管其发展尚处于萌芽阶段,但现在我们所熟悉的一些计算机词汇在那时已开始产生,比如模拟和数码,比特、数据和存储器, 语言和程序,以及穿孔卡片和输入。小编精心收集了关于计算机的英语小短文,供大家欣赏学习!



DBMS(Database Management System) 数据库管理信息系统

DBMS is able to access and retrieve data from nonkey record fields. That is, the DBMS is able to structure and tie together the logically related data from several large files.


Logical Structures. Identifying these logical relationships is a job of the data administrator. A data definition language is used for this purpose. The DBMS may then employ one of the following logical structuring techniques during storage access, and retrieval operations [1]:


1. List structures. In this logical approach, records are linked together by the use of pointers. A pointer is a data item in one record that identifies the storage location of another logically related record. Records in a customer master file, for example, will contain the name and address of each customer, and each record in this file is identified by an account number. During an accounting period, a customer may buy a number of items on different days. Thus, the company may maintain an invoice file to reflect these transactions.

2. 链表结构。在该逻辑方式中,记录通过指针链接在一起。指针是记录中的一个数据项,它指出另一个逻辑相关的记录的存储位置,例如,顾客主文件中的记录将包含每个顾客的姓名和地址,而且该文件中的每个记录都由一个账号标识。在记账期间,顾客可在不同时间购买许多东西,公司保存一个发票文件以反映这些交易。

3. A list structure could be used in this situation to show the unpaid invoices at any given time. Each record in the customer file would contain a field that would point to the record location of the first invoice for that customer in the invoice file (fig11-1). This invoice record, in turn, would be linked to later invoices for the customer. The last invoice in the chain would be identified by the use of a special character as a pointer.

4. 这种情况下可使用链表结构,以显示给定时间内未支付的发票。顾客文件中的每个记录都包含这样一个字段,该字段指向发票文件(图11-1)中该顾客的第一个发票的记录位置,该发票记录又依次与该顾客的下一个发票记录相连,此链接的最后一个发票记录由一个作为指针的特殊字符标识。



Oracle includes many features that make the database easier to manage. We've divided the discussion in this section into three categories: Oracle Enterprise Manager, add-on packs, backup and recovery.

Oracle Enterprise Manager

As part of every Database Server, Oracle provides the Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM), a database management tool framework with a graphical interface used to manage database users, instances, and features (such as replication) that can provide additional information about the Oracle environment.



Oracle数据库服务器包括以下部分:Oracle企业管理者(EM)、一个带有图形接口的用于管理数据库用户、实例和提供Oracle环境等附加信息功能 (如:复制) 的数据库管理工具框架。



That little "a" with a circle curling around it that is found in email addresses is most commonly referred to as the "at" symbol.


Surprisingly though, there is no official, universal name for this sign. There are dozens of strange terms to describe the @ symbol.


Before it became the standard symbol for electronic mail, the @ symbol was used to represent the cost or weight of something. For instance, if you purchased 6 apples, you might write it as 6 apples @ $1.10 each.


With the introduction of e-mail came the popularity of the @ symbol. The @ symbol or the "at sign" separates a person's online user name from his mail server address. For instance, joe@uselessknowledge.com. Its widespread use on the Internet made it necessary to put this symbol on keyboards in other countries that have never seen or used the symbol before. As a result, there is really no official name for this symbol.

随着电子邮件的使用,@这一符号越来越普及了。符号@或'at'标记将上网用户的姓名与其邮件的服务器地址分开。例如:joe@uselessknowledge.com。 这一符号在因特网上的广泛使用使得许多以前从未见过或使用过它的国家必须在它们的电脑键盘上加上这一符号键,结果造成这一符号并没有真正的官方名称。

The actual origin of the @ symbol remains an enigma.


History tells us that the @ symbol stemmed from the tired hands of the medieval monks. During the Middle Ages before the invention of printing presses, every letter of a word had to be painstakingly transcribed by hand for each copy of a published book. The monks that performed these long, tedious copying duties looked for ways to reduce the number of individual strokes per word for common words. Although the word "at" is quite short to begin with, it was a common enough word in texts and documents that medieval monks thought it would be quicker and easier to shorten the word "at" even more. As a result, the monks looped the "t" around the "a" and created it into a circle-eliminating two strokes of the pen.


