



Garlic: your healthy food

Garlic is probably the healthiest food you should take.

While garlic isn't likely to help out with your social life when you eat too much of it chasing people off with the bad breath,it may actually save your life.Used widely by Egyptian Pharaohsas well as the ancient Chinese,garlic is known for its culinary and medicinal properties.The Egyptians even fed garlic to their slaves to keep them healthy.

For those suffering from high blood pressure,high cholesterol,heart disease,garlic should become their best friend.Garlic can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.Studies have shown that just one clove of garlic daily is enough to reduce cholesterol.Garlic is also good for treatment of bronchitis,colds,coughs,sore throat,fever and indigestion.

To fight cold-related symptoms,garlic is an excellent food therapy specially if taken with other food rich in vitamin C,which helps to stimulate white blood cells to fight off infections.If you suffer from a sore throat,take two or more cloves,crushed or whole,at the first sign of pain.However,don't eat too much raw garlic,for it may cause stomach upset








China's top medical and food quality watchdog has warned customers about the consumption of so-called brain-care food, the Beijing Times reported.


Amid the approaching senior high school and college entrance exams, China's State Food and Drug Administration said on Thursday that the country has never approved any health food with the self-alleged function to boost the consumer's brainpower or to raise his intelligence. It added that those of authorized availability, are mainly used to improve the consumers' memory, reduce physical fatigue and boost the immune system. They, do not stimulate, let alone increase, brainpower.


The SFDA cautioned consumers, especially the younger generations, against health care foodstuff, for these sometimes contain materials unfit for adolescents.


The watchdog also emphasized that health food should by no means be a replacement for any type of medical treatment.




Sales of health supplements have soared in recent years. It’s such a huge market thatmanufacturers spend around £40 million a year just telling us about their products. Assupplements are either made from natural substances or mimic substances produced by ourbodies, many people assume they cannot do any harm. But we’re wrong, say healthprofessionals. They point out that the health supplement industry is unregulated, whichmeans manufacturers are not required to list potential side-effects – nor do their productshave to go through costly clinical trials. “Health supplements can produce ill effects,” warnsAnna, from the British Dietetic Association.


