



(A:Mary B:Julia)

A:Hello.I wish to speak to Julia.

B:This is Julia speaking.

A:Oh,how do you do,Julia.This is Mary speaking.

B:Mary,I recognized your voice right away.I'm glad you calledme.

A:Julia,listen,um…I'm calling to ask you some questions aboutJim,you know him,don't you?


A:What's he like?

B:Well,why are you asking adout Jim?

A:Well,I want to try and get a part-time job at his store…

B:Oh,well,Jim's a nice guy…I mean he'll give you decenthours,a decent wage,and plenty of breaks.

A:Well,that sounds good.Um,what does he look like?I've gotto meet him at the Sunset Restaurant for lunch and I can't re-member.

B:Oh,well,he's about thirty-six…




B:…oh,has dark,wavy hair with a little gray at the temples.

A:Oh,sounds kind of nice.


A:Um,is he,a formal kind of guy,or does he dress casually?

B:Oh,he rarely dresses casually.He always wears three-piece suitsand ties——dresses very much in style.Oh ,Mary,I'd better gonow.

A.Is the boss coming by?

B:Yeah,and I have to finish this report by four.

A:OK.I'll let you get back to your work.

B:I'll call you again later,OK?

A:Call me at home.I want to hear all about him.

B:(business like,to cover up)Certainly,I'll make sure he getsyour message.Good-bye.


(A:Receiver B:Mr.Kent)

A:Hello,Australian Trading Company.Can I help you?

B:Hello.Yes.This is Mr.Kent of Oriental Ltd.We are interestedin the carpets advertised by you and I think the carpet will finda ready market in our country.

A:May I have your specific inquiry?If you make an inquiry,wecan offer you firm.

B:Could you give me some idea about your prices?

A:Well,if you please,I can send our price sheets to you by fax.

What's your fax number,please?

B:6885486.If your prices are favourable,we can place the order.

A:By the way,enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous.

You'd better place your order as soon as possible.

B:I see.Well,I'll think about it and call you back to discuss it tosome details soon.

A:OK,I'll be looking forwad to hearing from you.Good-bye.



(A:Philip B:Tom)

A:Hello!Is that you,Tom?

B:Philip!Yes,this is Tom.

A:Oh,how do you know it's me?

B:I'd know your voice anywhere.

A:I can't believe I got hold of you at last.And what have you be-ing doing?

B:Yeah,I haven't been home a lot lately.And I've had a lot ofwork and social engagements.Oh,Philip,when did you getback to London?

A:I just came back about a week ago,I tried to contact you byphone several times,but you were not in.

B:Sorry,Sorry.Did you have a nice holiday,then?

A:Lovely.I went to Scotland and travelled aroud.

B:Did you go up to the Highlands?

A:No.I stayed at a hotel near Loch Lomond for a few days andcame back to London down the west coast.

B:Did you have good weather?

A:Quite good,and everybody was very kind.People aren't quitesuch a hurry up there you know.

B:How I admire you!Oh,I feel like I'm under too much strainthese days.I need a holiday indeed.

A:Well,I suppose so.

B:Oh,somebody's at the door.I have to go.And I have to say“good-bye”.Nice talking to you.

A:Same here,bye-bye.

