



I have a good friend.His name is peter.Let me tell about him.He is very healthy.Because he usually eats a lot of healthy food.For breakfast,he usually eats an egg and milk.For lunch,he eats a bowl of rice,fish and chicken.For dinner,he often eats dumplings and porridge. He likes icecreamfor dessert.What about you?Are you healthy?


Peter had an egg and a cup of milk as his breakfast. At the lunch time,he bought rice,fish and chicken,but he only ate chicken because the fish was not fresh.Dumplins and porridge was his dinner, and he had an ice cream after dinner although his mother tells him not to eat cold food in winter.


peter has breakfast at about seven. He usually has milk and eggs. For lunch he likes hamburgers and chichen.Sometimes he has some rice and vegetables.He has lunch at school from Monday to Friday. After school he goes home. So he always has dinner with his family at home. He eats meat, noodles, fruits,candy,pudding and so on. His family have dinner at about six thirty.peter likes his meals very much.So he is healthy and strong.


Moduel 1

Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.


Moduel 2

I am a middle school student. I usually have breakfast at home. My mother cooks breakfast for me everyday. I like egg and milk, but I prefer bread. I have lunch at school. I often eat beef and vegetables. I like vegetables. Because I think it is good for our health. But it isn’t delicious, so I don’t like it. As for dinner, I eat at home. My mother often cooks fish and chicken. I prefer them to berad.

Moduel 3

I like apples and hamburgers for breakfast. Peter doesn't like eggs or bananas for breakfast. I don't like salad or chicken for lunch. Peter likes broccoli and French fries for lunch. Peter likes strawberries and oranges for dinner. I don't like ice cream for dinner.


It's important for everyone to have three meals everyday. Many people miss their breakfast because they do not have enough time -- that's totally bad for bodies. It's easy for you to get hungry if you do not have anyone of these three meals. Breakfast is important, beacuse you have not been eating anything for hours before you get up. You can not miss your lunch because you need to get energy for the rest of the day. Some people do not have dinner in order to lose weight, but they will feel hungry later but food taken at that time is harder to be digested, they will get less nutrition but a lot fat store in their body instead. That's why you need to have three meals on time everyday.


There are three people in my family:My father,my mother and I.My father likes eggs,noodles and apples for breakfast. My mother likes eggs,soup and milk. I Iike eating bread,milk and fruit! We usually have French fries,chicken,tomatoes,rice and porridge for lunch.We have dinner at 18:00. I like eating potapoes,soup,rice and vegetables.But my father doesn't like. He likes broccoli,rice and fruit!We don't have dessert.

We eat lots of food,because My mother think it is good for us to keep healthy



我家有三口人:爸爸、妈妈和我. 我的爸爸喜欢吃鸡蛋,面条和苹果吃早餐。我的妈妈喜欢吃鸡蛋,汤喝牛奶。我喜欢吃面包、牛奶、水果!我们通常有炸薯条、鸡肉、西红柿、大米、粥午餐我们吃晚餐下午六时正。我喜欢吃potapoes、汤、大米和蔬菜但是我的父亲不喜欢。他喜欢花椰菜、大米和水果我们不要吃甜点。



The Heavenly King sat on his throne in the sky watch all the men in China work hard each day. He felt the hardship the men when through as they tried to make ends meet. He felt the men's pain when they toiled in the fields to gather food for their families. There was so little food that everybody in China ate only once a day. With a heavy heart, the Heavenly King summoned the Great Bull Star from the corner of the constellation. "Great Bull, I want you to go down to earth to bring a message to the men. Tell them that if they work hard each day, their hard work will be rewarded with enough food for eating three meals a day. They must understand not to give up and good things will arrive in due time." The Great Bull Star transformed himself into the form of a bull and went to earth. When Great Bull arrived on earth, he gathered all the men and leaders together to share the message from the Heavenly King, but he didn't get it just right. All he said was, "Everyone can eat three meals a day. " All the men in China were happy and relieved to know that the Heavenly King will give them food and they won't have to work anymore. They had a grand party for the Great Bull which lasted three days. Upon returning to Heaven, the Great Bull went directly to the Heavenly King's throne. "I did what you told me to." The Great Bull was so proud of himself because believed he completed the task the Heavenly King had given him. BOCK! A stick flew across the room and hit Bull's head. Bull took cover and looked at the Heavenly King. "Sire, why did you throw the stick at me?" The Heavenly King was disappointed. "Bull, you gave the men only half my message. They don't realize that they need to work hard in order for them to eat three meals a day. They think I will give them the food. So Bull, you will return to earth to help the men toil in the field so they can eat." Now you have it… why farmers use oxen to aid in their farming; and how we can afford to eat three meals a day.

