



Section A

l. M: How would you like your two pounds of pork chops sliced?

W: Medium thin will be fine.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

(A) 本题中根据two pounds of pork chops sliced可以判断出答案是 in a butcher shop。

2. W: It's hopeless in the rain. Taxis always disappear as soon as it begins to rain. M: Funny, isn't it? We’ ll just have to walk.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

(C) 在这个对话中,女士说一下雨就没有出租车了,男士则说他们只有步行。由此可以推断当时正在下雨。

3. M: I'm sorry. I came here in a hurry.

W: I told you it is my mother's birthday tomorrow and that she loves roses. You said you would get her some.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

(C) 对话中,男士首先向女士道歉,女士说明天是她母亲的生日,男士答应过给她买玫瑰花。由此可见,男士是因为忘了买玫瑰花而道歉。 因此C为正确答案。

4. W: Please be quick. My kitchen is almost flooded.

M: Calm down, I will start as soon as I have the pipes ready.

Q: What is the man's occupation?

(B) 从My kitchen is almost flooded, pipes可以得出女士家的水管堵住了,正在请水管工修理,故选 B 。

5. M: Every time before a long distance race, I have butterflies in my stomach. W: Don't worry too much about it. Anyway you are not a professional runner.

Q: How, does the man feel before the race?

(D) 短语have butterflies in my stomach的意思是紧张。因此可以判断D 为正确答案。

6. W: If I were you, I would take a plane instead of a bus. It will take you two days to

get to New York.

M: But flying makes me so nervous.

Q: What does the man prefer to do?

(C) 对话中,女士说她宁愿乘飞机而不是坐公共汽车,男士则说乘飞机使他紧张。由此可以断定男士更喜欢坐公共汽车 。

7. W: When was the last time you dusted thisapartment?

M: When was the last time my mother came over?

Q: What does the man mean?

(C) 在这个对话中,女士问“你什么时候打扫房间的”? ,男士反问“我母亲上次来是什么时候?”,说明自那以后就再也没有打扫过。

8. M: Do you think you could possibly work late this evening? I'm afraid there's some

work we really must finish this evening.

W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it's necessary.

Q: What would the woman probably do?

(C) 对话中,男士希望女士加班,而女士说,如果真的必要的话,她可以加班,因此 C为正确答案。Work overtime即加班的意思。


Section A

l. M: Did you enjoy your trip to the beach yesterday?

W: Yes, but I shook all over after I came out of the water.

Q: What do we learn about the woman?

(D) 在这个对话中,女士说I shook all over after I came out of the water说明她觉得很冷。

2. W: Did you watch the game yesterday?

M: I wanted to, but Britney was watching a movie on channel 5, so I watched it with her. You know Britney, she can't stand football.

Q: Why didn't the man watch the game?

(A) 对话中,男士想看球赛但Britney在看五频道的电影,所以只好陪她一起看。后面又补充说,Britney喜欢足球,这才是他没有看比赛的真正原因。

3. M: These carrots look so fresh and only cost thirty cents a pound!

W: Then let's get a bunch. And how about some tomatoes too?

Q: What are the people doing?

(B) 在这个对话中双方谈到了蔬菜及价格,以及购买的单位bunch,可 以断定他们在购买蔬菜,即B。

4. W: We can either take the children with us to the movies or take them to my

mother's house before we go.

M: Well, I'll leave it to you.

Q: Who will decide?

(B) 在这个对话中,男士说I'll leave it to you,即由女士来决定。

5. M: Would it be all right if I borrowed your car this evening?

W: Unfortunately. I need it myself this evening. I'd let you have it otherwise. Q: What does the woman mean?

(B) 在这个对话中,男士想借女士的车,而女士说她自己要用。因此 B 为正


6. W: How much is a bar of chocolate?

M: A dozen is $2.40.

Q: How many bars did the woman get if she paid the salesman two dollars?

(D) 根据男士所说a dozen is $2.40,而一打是十二个,那么一条巧克力 的单价应是2.40/12= 0.2,所以花2美元应买 2/0.2=10。

7. M: How do you figure out the fare?

W: Well, the first three kilometers are seven Yuan and every extra kilometer costs you twoYuan.

Q: Who is the woman?

(C)男士说价格怎么算,女士说开始三公里7元 ,以后每公里2元, 由此可以断定女士是出租车司机。

8. M: Your son seems to have made much progress in playing the piano. Does he

attend any piano classes?

W: Yes, he takes lessons twice a week, but from next week on, he will go to the class on Saturday evenings, too.

Q: How often will the woman's son have piano lessons from next week on?

(C) 解题的关键是女的说话中的but, but在话语中常常起到补充当前话题或转移话题的功能。此类题型的答案往往是 but后面表达的内容。既然周六晚上增加课,因此每周上三次课。

Conversation One

W: Good afternoon. I'm Linda Smith. I called early this morning, and-you said that I should come for some more information about the flat I want.

M: Oh, yes, Mrs. Smith. Take a seat. We've found something for you.

W: That's great.

M: It's a one-bedroom flat in Kanden.

W: Where is it?

