巴厘岛介绍 旅游英语


巴厘岛(Bali Island),是世界著名的旅游岛,是印度尼西亚33个一级行政区之一。由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。因此,它还享有多种别称,如“神明之岛”、“恶魔之岛”、“罗曼斯岛”、“绮丽之岛”、“天堂之岛”、“魔幻之岛”、“花之岛”等。下面是小编整理的巴厘岛介绍 旅游英语,欢迎大家阅读!

It survived the dinosaurs. It survived an ice age. Butwill the majestic green sea turtle survive us?


The stench of freshly butchered meat grates on the nostrils as I approach the turtleslaughterhouse; I cansmell it from the grounds of the local p rimary school, 100m away.


The building is about 60m by 10m, and inside are the lobster tanks that are required by law.These are empty. On the other side of the building turtles are pack ed like sardines into moretanks. The floor betweenthese tanks is barely visible because it is covered with more than 150live turtles; it is impossible not to tread on them as I wander around.


Stacked against one wall are shells, some clean, others still covered in blood. Meat is piled highon a board, and the constant thud?thud?thud of a swinging cleaver echoes round thechamber. Barbaric is too gentle a word for the slaughtering process I witness; apparently itwould ruin the meat to kill them before skinning them. The turtle, which can live more than 200years, is one of the few an imals that cries, and on more than one occasion I see tears runningdown these a nimals'faces.


Scientists believe that 17th?century Dutch seafarers were barely exaggerating when they wroteof being able to walk from one Indonesian island to another acros s the back of green turtles.Now the picture is of an increasingly violent struggle to protect a 250m year old species.There were green turtles in our seas eons before dinosaurs tramped the Earth; they survivedthe last ice age; but they may not be with us much longer.


"There have been massively significant drops in the past 50 to 60 years," says Klaas Teule, ascientist with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which runs a turtle conservation prjectin Bali. "it's hard to put an exact figure on it, but 80% would be on the conservativeside."Turtle experts in Australia believe that in 1900 the region was home to up to one third?ofthe world's turtles. Th escale of the slaughter in recent decades, especially the past 10 years,has been so great that the figure is now down to 5%.

世界自然保护基金会(WWF)科学家卡拉斯·特尔在巴厘岛成立了的一个海龟保护组织,“在过去的50-60年里,海龟的数量骤然减少”,他说:“很难列出具体数字,但80%尚趋保守”。澳大利亚研究海龟的专家认为,1900年巴厘岛曾生存着世界上1/3的海龟。过去几十 年,尤其近十年,乱捕滥杀海龟之多,以至于现在已减少到5%了。

"Part of the problem is that turtles live so long and they take so long to start breeding. It takes20 years to see the impact of what's going on now," says his WWF colleague, GhislaineLlewellyn."It may already be too late."


Most countries agreed to ban trading in the seven turtle species a decade ago when theysigned the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Indonesia, which is hometo six of the seven species, was one of the signatories, but the goernment gave specialdispensation to Bali——a 5,000 animal annual quota after lobbying from traders on the island.They argued that using turtles in religious and traditional village ceremonies had been part ofBalinese culture for centuries.


Conservationists claim that businessmen then flocked to the island and began rampantlyabusing this quota."The reality is that there was no proper monitoring of the quota and no lawenforcement, so the traders could do what they liked,"says Purwo, a memeber of theIndonesian campaigning group Animal Conservation For Life (KSBK). Research carried out byKSBK found almost 30,000 turtles passed through Tanjung in 1999, and that the figure wasnot much lower in previous years . The actual death toll is much greater because thousandsmore turtles are caught in fishing nets and suffocate.


Responding to this pressure, the Balinese governor withdrew the quota in June and bannedturtle trading and consumption.



乌鲁瓦图情人崖 Uluwatu

金巴兰海滩 Jimbaran Beach

库塔海滩 Kuta Beach

水明漾 Seminyak

海神庙 Tanah Lot

圣猴森林公园 Sangeh Monkey Forest

乌布市场 Pasar Ubud

乌布皇宫 Puri Saren Agung

德格拉朗梯田 Tegallalang

圣泉寺 Pura TIrta Empul

京打马尼火山 Kintamani

巴图尔湖 Lake Batur

布撒基寺 Besakih Temple

撒努尔海滩 Sanur Beach

蓝梦岛 Lembongan Isla

努沙杜瓦 Nusa Dua

