




网 络It's true;this is real;This is true;That's true



Do you think that's true?


Do you think it's true?


How do I know this is real?



You can tell me.is it true?


You're telling me that was real?

1. They sat there in shock and disbelief. 他们吃惊地坐在那里,不敢相信这 是 真的 。

2. He says it's genuine, but we think otherwise. 他说这 是 真的, 但我们不这样认为.

3. This is a real pearl, not an imitation. 这 是 真的珍珠, 不是 仿制品.

4. She asked almost fearfully, " Is it true that Luca Brasi is dead? " 她几乎战战兢兢他说: “ 路加-布拉西已经死了, 这 是 真的 吗 ? ”

5. I have strong ( very good ) reasons for believing this to be true. 我有充分的理由,相信这 是 真的.

6. It is most interesting; but quaere, is it true? 这 很有趣, 可是请问, 这 是 真的 吗 ?

7. I presume ( that ) this is true. 我想这 是 真的.

8. They are uneasy about you, that is true. 她们对你有些不放心, 这 是 真的.

9. A stomach full of griddle cake stuffed with stewed meat , now that's whatreally counted! 穿着破衣,而把烙饼卷酱肉吃在肚中, 这 是 真的!

10. Curiosity you know is the curse of our sex, and that's the fact. 你知道,好奇是 我们女人家的通病, 这 是 真的.

11. It was real; he was leaving there; he was free; he had cheated the hangman. 这 是 真的; 他要离开那里了; 他现在自由了; 他已经死里逃生.

12. Is it true that there are many factories for making cloth in the UnitedKingdom? 在英国有很多纺织工厂,这 是 真的 吗 ?

13. I know it's true, because I read about it the official report. 我知道这 是 真的, 因为我在官方报纸上看到过.

14. Is it true that you axe going to work in TiBet? 你要到西藏去工作,这 是 真的 吗 ?

15. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. 相信这 一点. 这 是 真的. 可这 只能维持一段时间.

16. There is no evidence that this is actually true. 没有显著的证据足以证明这 是 真的.

17. Something in your inmost being tell you this is surely true. 在你的内心深处说着这 是 真的!

18. Stella Bridger: It would be nice if it were true. 斯特拉: 如果这 是 真的就好了.

19. Is this in your view true? What could they do more? 你认为这 是 真的 吗 ?他们还可以做哪些?

20. I believe that it is true but I cannot swear it. 我相信这 是 真的,但我不能保证一定这样.

