



1. teach … not to 教某人不要做某事

2. teach oneself 自学

3. Teachers’ Day 教师节

4. tell the story of….讲…..的故事

5. Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

6. telephone sb. 给某人打电话

7. telephone number 电话号码

8. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于

9. tell sth. to sb. 把某事告诉某人=tell sb sth

10. thank you 谢谢

11. thanks to 由于,幸亏

12. thanks…for…因…而感谢…

13. “thank you” letter 感谢信

14. the day after tomorrow 后天

15. the day before yesterday 前天

16. the ground (first) floor 一楼

17. the more ,the better 越多越好

18. the number of ….的数目

19. the other + 名词 别的

20. the other day 前几天

21. the other week 前几周

22. the other(s) 另一个(其他的)

23. the top of a mountain 山顶

24. the meaning of ….……的含义

25. the Children’s Palace 少年宫


1. have a field trip 进行野外旅行

2. have a good journey 旅途愉快

3. have a good time 玩得很高兴,过得很愉快

4. have a good trip 一路顺风

5. have a hard time 过得困难

6. have a look (at ) 看一看=look at

7. have a match 比赛

8. have a meeting 开会

9. have a rest 休息

10. have a swim 游泳

11. have a talk 谈话

12. have a test 测验

13. have a try 努力,尝试

14. have a walk 散步

15. have a wash 洗(手,脸)

16. have been to 曾经去了(现已回来了)

17. have gone to已经去(现还没回来)

18. have breakfast / lunch/ supper 吃早/ 午/ 晚饭

19. have got = have 有

20. have lessons (classes ) 上课

21. have no idea / don’t know 不知道

22. have some medicine 吃药

23. have sports 进行体育运动

24. have sth. with sb. 把某物带在某人身边

25. have to + 动词原形 不得不,必须


1. the football match 足球赛

2. the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂

3. the Himalaya Mountains 喜马拉雅山

4. the Palace Museum 故宫博物馆

5. the Summer Palace 颐和园

6. the day after tomorrow 后天

7. the day before yesterday 前天

8. the next morning 第二天早上

9. the year of horse 马年

10. think about 考虑

11. think of 就…思考,考虑…., 认为

12. thousands of 成千上万的

13. this afternoon 今天下午

14. this morning 今天早上

15. this time 这次

16. this year 今年,本年度

17. this way 这种方法,这条路;请走这边

18. through about 乱丢,抛散

19. tomorrow morning 明天早上

20. too… to 太… 以致不能

21. to one’s surprise 令人惊呀的是

22. traffic light 交通灯,红绿灯

23. trip over (被…..)拌到

24. try out 试验,尝试

25. try on 试穿,试试看

