



Do Me a Favor

The mechanic was very busy when I took my car in for repairs, so I settled down in the waiting room with a book I'd brought along. The mechanic was in and out answering calls, and at one point he stopped and looked at me . "Would you do me a favor and flip back a few pages when someone comes in? That way it won't look as if you've been here all day."


(1) mechanic n.汽车修理师

(2) settle down安适地坐下或躺

(3) do sb a favor帮助某人

(4) flip v.以指捻



① The mechanic was very busy when I took my car ______ repairs.

② So I______ down in the waiting room with a book I'd brought_____ .

③ The mechanic was ______ and ______answering calls.

④ Would you do me a favor and ______back a few pages when someone comes ______?

⑤ That way it won't look_____ _____ you've been here all day.




① in; for ② settled; along ③ in ; out ④ flip in ⑤ as; if


Point of No Return

My husband ordered home delivery of our local newspaper. Because we live in rural area where no street numbers are used, I was concerned that the carrier would have trouble finding us. Sure enough, we missed delivery several days despite frequent calls to the circulation department. Finally I phoned to cancel the subscription. "You'll have to tell me your exact location," the woman on the line said. "We can't cancel the subscription unless we know where you live.


(1) delivery n.递送

(2) rural area乡村

(3) concerned adj.焦虑的;担心的

(4) have trouble doing sth做某事有麻烦

(5) despite prep.不管;不顾

(6) frequent adj.时常发生的;惯常的

(7) circulation n.发行

(8) subscription n.订阅



① Where did the family live?

A. in the countryside

B. in the suburbs

C. in the urban area

D. near the circulation department of the local newspaper

② What was the wife worried about?

A. She was worried about the quality of the newspaper.

B. She was worried that the carrier would deliver their newspaper to someone else.

C. She was worried that the carrier would find difficulty in finding them.

D. She was worried that the newspaper might not be interesting enough.

③ What happened to them after their ordering?

A. They got the newspaper.

B. The newspaper was cancelled.

C. The circulation department refused to deliver the newspaper to them.

D. For several days they missed delivery.

④ What did they finally decide to do?

A. They decided to cancel the subscription.

B. They decided to cancel the newspaper.

C. They decided to punish the carrier.

D. They decided to take it to court.

⑤ What was the result?

A. The circulation department promised that they would get their delivery in time.

B. The carrier was punished.

C. They could neither get their delivery nor cancel their subscription.

D. The newspaper was cancelled.






The Story of a Snail

When a snail crossed the road, he was run over by a turtle. Regaining consciousness in the emergency room, he was asked what caused the accident.

"I really can't remember," the snail replied. "You see, it all happened so fast."


(1) snail n.蜗牛

(2) run over碾过(在地上的某人或某物)

(3) regain v.恢复

(4) consciousness n.知觉

(5) emergency n.紧急事件;紧急情况



① What did the snail do one day?

② What happened to him ?

③ Where did he regain consciousness?

④ Could he till remember what caused the accident?





① He crossed the road.

② He was run over by a turtle.

③ In the emergency room.

④ No, he couldn't.

