



Pregnancy is a time of great emotion, and a bit of pain and discomfort. For most people, the news that a woman is pregnant brings great joy. I remember being too happy to speak. I phoned everyone I knew. From that very minute, your life changes. You start thinking about names and whether it’ll be a boy or a girl. Of course, you hope the pregnancy will be problem-free. The hospital visits are exciting. I loved looking at the ultrasound scans. It’s amazing to see the tiny baby move and see its heart beat. The later stages of pregnancy are the most difficult. This is when the mother wants the baby to come so she can take the weight off her feet. I reckon pregnancy is similar all over the world.


Prejudice is a terrible thing. It really damages our society. It hurts people and can cause great pain. It can even lead people to kill themselves. I’m not sure if prejudice is something that is getting worse or is declining. Were there greater prejudices one hundred years ago than there are today? I think prejudice should be on its way out. The world is getting smaller. We see different cultures more often. Then again, when I look at the news, it seems prejudice is getting worse. Even in my own society I see lots of prejudice. The prejudice is directed against people who are poorer, have a different accent, didn’t go to a good school, belong to the wrong sex. It’s crazy. We are all the same. It’s time we all understood this.


Prayer is a very important part of many people’s lives. For those who pray, prayer provides great strength. But there are many people who do not pray. They either do not believe in God or are too lazy. I’m always impressed when people say prayers helped them through difficult times. Sometimes on the news, there is someone who was kidnapped. They tell reporters that praying helped them survive. This is the real power of prayer. Most prayers are more simple. People say prayers to thank God for the good things in their life. They might also ask for help or forgiveness. I’m kind of in between. I pray every day, but I don’t feel my prayers give me a lot of strength. I suppose they might if I hit hard times.


Potatoes are very important in my life. Actually, they’re more important on my dinner plate. I love potatoes. They are amazing vegetables. I cannot count the number of different ways to cook a potato. Potatoes can be fried, baked, mashed, boiled, sauteed, and lots more. You can also eat potatoes hot or cold – I really like a chilled potato salad in the summer. Different countries cook potatoes in different ways too. Indian cooking is great if you like potatoes. My favourite Indian potato dish is called aloo gobi – that’s potatoes and cauliflower cooked in yummy spices. One day, I’ll have to find out how healthy potatoes are. I know fried potatoes are high in cholesterol, but I’m not sure about boiled potatoes.


Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is an interesting saying. It’s very true. If you look at the world leaders with the most power, they are the most corrupt. When someone has so much power, they want more. Maybe power is like a disease. It eats into your brain and makes you want more. Once you have a lot of power, you forget about being a real human being. The usual story with people in power is taking lots of money from the country and forgetting about the people. It depends on the country, I suppose. The most powerful person in the world is the president of the USA. But in America, the president doesn’t actually have a lot of power. Every four years, Americans can vote a president out of power.


I wonder what will happen to the postal service. When I was young, I used the post office a lot. I went to the post office every week to buy stamps and send letters. I got excited every morning when the postman came. There was usually one letter for me – a real one. At Christmas and around my birthday I would get lots of cards. But today the post office is very different. I can’t remember the last time I went. I think the Internet is killing the post office. Most letters and mail sent today is via e-mail. I don’t even go to the post office to buy stamps. I get them from the local store. I’m not sure if the post office can survive, especially with competition from courier companies like Federal Express and DHL.


Pornography seems to be part of every culture in the world. The Internet has greatly increased the amount of pornography in the world. A lot of pornographic sites on the Internet are really bad. I think pornography is a very difficult issue. I wonder why people need to buy pornographic magazines and videos. I suppose it’s human nature. Or perhaps I should say its “man nature” because most pornography is for men. One thing I find interesting about pornography is how some countries say it leads to sexual crimes and others say it reduces them. In my country, there aren’t many laws to control pornography. It’s very easy to buy adult magazines and videos. But I don’t buy any… or rent any… or download any.

