



Character is as important as knowledge


Knowledge will give you power, but character respect. – Bruce Lee


We all know about the power of knowledge, as a wise man once said: “Knowledge is power.” But, often we forget that character, in some ways are more important than knowledge.


Do you like people who are arrogant or do you prefer people who are kind-hearted? The answer is obvious. No matter how intelligent you are, it doesn’t matter that much when it comes to earning respect from others. It is your character which counts!



Make good use of your time


If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of – Bruce Lee


Reflect on your life so far, how did you spend your time in the past? Doing things that are meaningful to you, things which add value to people around you or did you just procrastinate most of the time?


I bet every single one of us is clear that we only live once, but how many of us really make use of our precious time wisely? Think about it, you don’t want to waste the rest of your life doing meaningless tasks right? Starting from today, make good use of the time you have. Live everyday like it is the last day of your life. It might sound cliché, but it is true.



Focus is the key to success


The successful warrior is the average man, with laserlike focus – Bruce Lee


If you want to succeed, focus on the tasks you should do. Set up a distraction free environment when you’re working. If you know that you will most likely get distracted by your smartphone, keep it in another room when you are working. Or disconnect it from the internet.


We can’t deny the fact that most of us have short attention spans, but, we can do something about it. Find a way to help yourself concentrate. Set a schedule for yourself to disconnect from the world and focus on the most important tasks at hand.


Set a goal and aim for it


A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at – Bruce Lee


A goal is our target to aim at. It is our source of motivation. Having a goal gives us a clear direction in our lives. We aim for it and work towards it. It gives us a clear destination in our lives.


But the main point here is that goals aren’t always meant to be reached. So, it’s okay not to hit your goals within a timeframe. It’s okay to fail, but never give up. Sometimes, you just have to believe. Aim for it and work towards it until you achieve it. Clement Stone once said that: “Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.”


Even if you fail to hit your goals after all the hard work, it is okay, because you will still have achieved something. If you never try, then the chances of you achieving something will be zero.


