


Read This Now: Its Not If You Will Lose Your Data, Its When Will You Lose Your Data

With Adware, SpyWare, E-Mail Viruses, JavaScript Viruses and Hardware failures It isn't amatter of If you will loose your Data it is a matterof When you will loose your Data! By spending afew extra minutes now using a Simple Back UpStrategy, you can save yourself big headacheslater.

You Should Always have a Full Backup of yourOnline Business Directory and all it'ssubdirectories for the Last 4 Weeks as well dailyincremental backups for a month or More. In Addition you should have Monthly off site Backups. Iactually Backup my Entire My Documents Directory. My Tools are:


Sharpie Permanent Marker

A Calendar

A Stack of DVD-Rs

A Small 64 MB USB Hard Drive

Weekly Rotating Backups

Get a calendar Pick one day a Week (Tuesday). Number each Tuesday from 1-5 over and over

September 6.2005 would be 1

September 13.2005 would be 2

September 20.2005 would be 3

September 27.2005 would be 4

October 4.2005 would be 5

October 11.2005 would start over with Number 1

Now Using Your Sharpie Permanent Marker Label Each DVD-RW Disk1, Disk2 .... Thru Disk 5

Each Tuesday (or whatever day you like) look at the calendar and use the disk with the same numberfor the Backup. Burn Your Online Business Directory and all it's subdirectories to the DVD-RW forthat week

September 6.2005 Use Disk 1

September 13.2005 Use Disk 2

September 20.2005 Use Disk 3

September 27.2005 Use Disk 4

October 4.2005 Use Disk 5

October 11.2005 would start over with Number 1

By Following the Above Weekly Rotating Backups Instructions you will always have 5 Weeks ofbackup.

Monthly Offsite Backups

On the Last Friday of the Month burn your Entire My Documents folder to a DVD-R and store itOffsite. Use your Sharpie Permanent Marker to wtite the Month and Year of the Backup.

Daily Incremental BAckups

For Daily Incremental Backups use a Small 64Mb USB Hard drive (Lately it seems you can't buyanything smaller then 256MB I Have seen them on sale for about $15) . A CD-RW or DVD-RW willwork just as well as a USB Hard Drive. It just seems easier and faster to copy to the USB hard Drive.

create 12 Directories on the USB Hard Drive one for each Month Jan, Feb., .... Dec..

Every Time you create a File in your Business Directory place a copy of it in the proper month on theUSB Drive.

If you run Out of room on the USB drive simply Empty the Directory of the Oldest Month. ( So If yourun out of room in September and you have Data in May, June July and August. Simply Delete all theFiles in May. If you still need room delete all the Files in June then July. If You still need room buyanother USB Hard Drive.

By following the above Backup system you will always be know I am fully protected when thatdreaded Disk Crash, Virus, or even Gremlins cause some or all of your data to be lost. For Manypeople CDRs and CDRWs work just as well. If your Online Business Directory is Small enough you cansimply burn a New CD every week. You can use a Similar system with Zip Drives or even Tape. TheKey is to do some sort of back up of your critical business files on a regular basis.

