

名词解释: 立秋,是二十四节气中的第13个节气,更是干支历未月的结束以及申月的起始;时间在农历每年七月初一前后(公历8月7-9日之间)。“秋”就是指暑去凉来,意味着秋天的开始。到了立秋,梧桐树开始落叶,因此有“落叶知秋”的成语。从文字角度来看,“秋”字由禾与火字组成,是禾谷成熟的意思。秋季是天气由热转凉,再由凉转寒的过渡性季节,立秋是秋季的第一个节气。你知道用英语怎么表达吗?

Start of Autumn, the 13th solar term of the year, begins this year on Aug 7 and ends on Aug 23.

The following are what you should know about Start of Autumn:

● "Autumn Tiger": The period of hot days after Start of Autumn is called "Autumn Tiger".

● Fleshing out in autumn: If one has lost weight during the summer, he or she needs to flesh outat the beginning of autumn by eating different kinds of delicious food, especially meat.

● Gathering crops: There is a saying: "If it rains on the day of the Start of Autumn, a good harvest is expected."



● “秋老虎”——立秋之后,天气依然比较炎热的这段日子被叫作“秋老虎”。

● 贴秋膘——如果你在夏天变瘦了,那么到了秋天,你就该多吃点各种各样的美食(尤其是肉),贴贴秋膘。

● 盼秋收——有言曰:“立秋有雨样样收”,是也。


文中的Start of Autumn就是“立秋”的意思,也可以说成Beginning of Autumn,其中autumn是“秋天”的意思,多用于英国,美国则一般用fall来表示。常见词组有:early autumn(初秋)、late autumn(晚秋)等。

此外,文中的flesh out解释为“长肉、发胖”,相当于put on weight或gain weight。该词组还可以引申解释为“加以充实、补充细节”。

