外研版高一英语必修一Module 4练习试题及答案


高一,对学生来说还是一个打基础的阶段,那么,如何在这一阶段,把英语这门学科学好呢?接下来,小编就带大家一块来做份外研版高一英语必修一Module 4练习试题,希望对大家有帮助!

外研版高一英语必修一Module 4练习试题


1.Mr. White ______ just ________ (buy) a recorder for his son.

2.She ______ (be) here just now.

3.My mother isn’t in.She ________ (go) to the theatre.

4.________ you ________ (see) Mr.Smith recently?

5.My mother ________ (wake) me up when she ________ (hear) a knock at the door last night.

6.Great changes __________ (take) place in China since 1978.

7.I hear that the famous singer ________ (be) to America several times.

8.I __________ (receive) his letter three days ago.

9.He will come as soon as he __________ (finish) the homework.

10.If you ____________ (read) the magazine before I leave,please lend it to me.



He ______________ the book for a week.


Mary ______________ to the library.


I ____________ to Xi’an.


He __________ a Party member for 3 years.


We ____________ good friends since we were children.


1.When you are home,give a call to let me know you ________ safe.

A.are arriving B.have arrived

C.had arrived D.will arrive

2.Up to now,the program ________ thousands of children who would otherwise have died.

A.would save B.saves

C.had saved D.has saved

3.For many years,people ________ electric cars.However,making them has been more difficult than predicted.

A.had dreamed of B.have dreamed of

C.dreamed of D.dream of

4.—When shall we restart our business?

—Not until we ________ our plan.

A.will finish B.are finishing

C.are to finish D.have finished

5.—When did he go to America?

—Oh,he ________ there since half a year ago.

A.went B.has been

C.has gone D.was

6.—Look!How long________ like this?

—Three weeks!It’s usual here that rain ________ without stopping these days of the year.

A.has it rained;pours

B.has it been raining;pours

C.is it raining;is pouring

D.does it rain;pours

7.This is the best dinner that I ________.

A.enjoyed B.have enjoyed

C.had enjoyed D.enjoy

8.My brother________ the army for five years.He devotes most of his spare time to teaching himself advanced physics.

A.has joined B.joined

C.has been in D.had been in

9.—Why don’t you go home?

—Because a lot of work ________ yet.

A.hasn’t finished B.hasn’t been finished

C.has been finished D.haven’t finished

10.My uncle ________ in Shanghai for the past two years.

A.is living B.lives

C.has lived D.lived

11.The company had about 20 notebook computers but only onethird________ used regularly.Now we have 60 working all day long.

A.is B.are C.was D.were

12.I________ in London for many years,but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.

A.lived B.was living

C.have lived D.had lived

13.The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.She ________ before.

A.hasn’t flown B.didn’t fly

C.hadn’t flown D.wasn’t flying

14.—Hi,Tracy,you look tired.

—I am tired.I ________ the living room all day.

A.painted B.had painted

C.have been painting D.have painted

15.When Jack arrived,he learned Mary________ for almost an hour.

A.had gone B.had set off

C.had left D.had been away

