



One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.

很喜欢Norah Jones写给Jude Law的这段话:我总觉得有许多话想对你说,随信附赠上我为你制作的账单,为了我们共同的记忆。我想要知道在你的记忆中,我是怎样一个人。一个爱吃蓝莓派的女孩,还是,伤透了心的女孩?

"How do you say goobye to someone you can't imagine living without? I didn't say goodye. I don't say anything. I just walk away. At the end of that night, I learned the longest way to pass the street."


—:I need someone to talk to. Do you think he will pick up the keys?

—I don't know..I have customers leaving keys here for years. Sometimes they pick up in a few days, sometimes takes a few weeks.

—What about most of the times?

—Most of the time the keys stay in the jar.

—Why you keep them?You should just throw them out.

—No..No, I couldn't do that.

—Why not?

—If I throw this keys away, and those doors will be closed forever. that should not up to me to decide. Should it?

—I guess I just looking for a reason.

—Well..form my observations, sometimes it's better of not knowing. And other times there's no reason to be found.

—Everything has a reason.

—Just like this pies and cakes.At the end of every night,Cheese cakes and the apple pies are always completely gone. The peach pies and chocolate Mousse cakes are nearly finished. BUt, there's always a whole blue berry pie left untouched.

—So what's wrong with the blueberry pie?

—It's nothing wrong with the blueberry pie. Just people make other choices, you can't blame the bluebreey pies. Just no one wants it.

