有关克隆英语作文 关于克隆英语作文




Increased food security for growing populations

If the low success rates can be improved (Dolly was only one success out of 276 tries)reproductive cloning can be used to develop efficient ways to reliably reproduce animals with special qualities.For exampledrug-producing animals or animals that have been genetically altered to serve as models for studying human disease could be mass-produced.

Reproductive cloning also could be used to repopulate endangered animals or animals that are difficult to breed.In 2001the first clone of an endangered wild animal was borna wild ox called a gaur.The young gaur died from an infection about 48 hours after its birth.In 2001scientists in Italy reported the successful cloning of a healthy baby mouflonan endangered wild sheep.The cloned mouflon is living at a wildlife center in Sardinia.Other endangered species that are potential candidates for cloning include the African bongo antelopethe Sumatran tigerand the giant panda.Cloning extinct animals presents a much greater challenge to scientists because the egg and the surrogate needed to create the cloned embryo would be of a species different from the clone.

Therapeutic cloning technology may some day be used in humans to produce whole organs from single cells or to produce healthy cells that can replace damaged cells in degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.Much work still needs to be done before therapeutic cloning can become a realistic option for the treatment of disorders.






With the development of our science and technology cloning becomes more and more close to our lives. Looking at another you probably could be a fun however some people think that it will bring a lot of trouble such as how to identity which one is real. In my opinion we do not need to clone a whole body of you. For example when you lose one of your fingers they can just clone a new finger for you. And that would a very good application in medical use. Thus I think that we should use the clone to make our life better off.



Today’s technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true; the cloning technology is the example. What is cloning? Cloning is a process used to create an exact copy of a mammal by using the complete genetic material of a regular body cell. Different from the common propagate cloning need only one cell and without sex. In 1997 the great news shocked the whole world that the British scientists created a lamp named Dolly from a single cell miraculously; the cell had been taken from the udder of adult sheep which show the first cloning experiment was successful.

When the cloning technology improves so quickly many scientists and doctors have different opinions someone think it is good but someone think it is bad. Cloning can bring many benefits to the human such as rejuvenation helpful for Defective genes Liver failure Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure if we use the cloning technology we can change the Gene’s DNA order so we can save lots of people.

But cloning still has some problems. The scientists found that the cloning animal’s Gene has a little different from the original animal. So the life will shorter than the real life. The fact proved that the cloning sheep Dolly has died. It only has the half life of the common sheep.

In my own opinion I agree to clone the endangered animal and disagree with cloning human. Because I think the cloning technology should be respected. It really can bring us many benefits; further more it can develop the science of human. If clone the human there will however be many problems the population is the biggest problem. May be some people will use the cloning people to start the war. So I am against cloning human.

Also many countries disagree to clone people. The government makes the laws about cloning. There are laws against human cloning in Canada Denmark England Norway Spain and the UK. Even in the USA the government doesn’t allow to clone human. (Because in USA the human right is higher than everything)

In the end I think cloning is new technology it should be accepted how to look upon this technique first we should know the advantages and disadvantages then we should know the effect of cloning for human and the animal third we will take the action: To advocate the animal cloning but be against with the human cloning.







