

夏天常常和 beach, water, sea, swimming, sun, sunshine, hot, ocean 这些词联系起来。眼看天气越来越热,夏天的存在感越来越强,下面为大家推荐一些应景的英语(课程)习语。

1. A Drop in the Ocean

这个习语的意思是"a very small amount compared to the amount needed", 相对于所需要的量来说,现有的量根本不够,相当于杯水车薪。

A few thousand pounds is a drop in the ocean when you think about the millions that will be spent on this project. 这个项目要花费上百万,几万块只是杯水车薪。

2. Like a Fish Out of Water

这个习语的意思是“to feel completely out of place”,也就是“感到不自在”。

Bob always feels like a fish out of water when he is at his girlfriend’s office party. 在女朋友的工作聚会上,鲍勃总会感觉不自在。

3. Like Water off a Duck’s Back

这个习语的意思是“no effect on a person”,也就是“对某人不起作用、对牛弹琴”。

Terry never gets upset when he is criticised. It’s like water off a duck’s back. 泰瑞受到批评后一点也不沮丧,就像是对牛弹琴。

4. Thrown in at the Deep End

这个习语的意思是“to make someone do something, especially a job, without preparing them for it or helping them”,让某人做某项工作,但是又没让他准备或不给予帮助。

On my first day in this job, I was asked to give a presentation to the board of directors. Talk about being thrown in at the deep end! 工作的第一天,我就要给董事会成员做展示,我一点准备都没有啊!

5. Swim Against the Tide

这个习语的意思是“to go against the general trend”,也就是“和大潮流相反”。

Every now and again in business you have to take a risk and swim against the tide. 无论什么时候,在商业圈你都得有冒险精神,并且独辟蹊径。

6. Make a Splash

这个习语的意思是“to get a lot of public attention”,得到公众关注。

If you want your book to be successful, you’ve got to make a splash by having a book launch and throwing lots of parties. 如果你想要你的书获得成功的话,你必须开推书会和派对吸引公众关注。

7. To make hay while the sun shines

这个习语的意思是“make the most of your opportunities while you have the chance”,有机会的时候就要充分利用。

Well, I have a few more days before I have to return my Ferrari, so I may as well make hay while the sun shines and drive it as much as possible. 还有几天我就要把我的法拉利还回去了,趁它还在,我得赶紧多开几次。

8. Come Rain or Shine

这个习语的意思是“whatever the weather”,即“无论什么天气”。

I go running every day, come rain or shine. 无论什么天气我每天都跑步。

9. To take a shine to someone

这个习语的意思是“to be attracted to or like someone”,被某人吸引或喜欢某人,尤其用在遇见新人的时候。

My dog has really taken a shine to you. 看来你真的很喜欢我的狗。

10. Hot Off the Press

这个习语的意思是“freshly printed”,刚刊登出来的,刚见报的。

The news about the CEO’s resignation is hot off the press. 总裁要辞职的消息是才登出来的。

