名词解释:职称(Professional Title)最初源于职务名称,理论上职称是指专业技术人员的专业技术水平、能力,以及成就的等级称号,是反映专业技术人员的技术水平、工作能力。就学术而言,它具有学衔的性质;就专业技术水平而言,它具有岗位的性质。专业技术人员拥有何种专业技术职称,表明他具有何种学术水平或从事何种工作岗位,象征着一定的身份。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
From now on, the evaluation of professional titles for scientific and research personnel in Guangdong will no longer be paper-centric but featuring more variety to apply.
Experts have pointed out that the majority of published papers in China have little worth, except to meet the professional title requirement, and the majority of scientific and technological results fail to be transferred to industry for practical use.

文中的professional title就是“职称”的意思,其中title作名词,意为“名称,称号”,指书名、剧目或其他文艺创作作品名称,也指附在姓名前的职称或头衔,如:confer a title (授予称号),academic title (学术头衔)。
第二段中的majority是名词,意为“大多数”,只能用来修饰可数名词的数量,如:The majority of foreign nationals working here have work permits.(大多数在这里工作的外国人都有工作许可证。)