


英文灵异故事:Bus station nonsense

Chen though occasionally hear other chat stand aside the last bus drivers in all sorts of strange phenomenon, but he drove ten years has not met, until tonight

The station before the bus terminal is spirit at the cemetery, quick to this station today, the bell rang. Mr. Chen in spirit at the cemetery station stopped and opened the car door. Waited a while but no one to get off

Mr. Chen wonder to looking back, the car was no one there

He silently to close the door and knock off work to drive back to the terminal.

That night, live in the spirit at the cemetery caretakers of more than 30 years old during sleep, chat voice heard sparse banyan tree outside

You must frighten to death with this new driver? Press the bell nobody will scare people off. Scare them, no one to drive, we are not a free ride home

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but my lack of experience

The second night

Mr. Chen made the last bus back to the terminal, the spirit to enjoy a cemetery in the penultimate stop, the bell rang again!

Mr. Chen in the mind a surprised, but then a voice from the rear car: for a small, I pressed the wrong!

Then Mr. Chen directly to drive back to the terminal, but after the end, looking back, the car would have no one

That evening, caretakers old period of sleep, chat voice heard sparse banyan tree outside

This new also silly, you rang the bell was still speaking, the driver see no one out of the car will be scared. Scare them, no one to drive, we are not a free ride home

I'm sorry, I'll be careful

The third night

Again the last bus, he drove back to the terminal, near the spirit at the cemetery station, the bell rang again!

He paused, nobody said according to the fault, then he will stop to open the door. Only half of the body, a pale blue, next to him, turned around and said to Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I forgot to bring the change

Mr. Chen silently turned my head and looked at him for a second or two, then stood up and clapped him, said: come on, you want to have a bit like, quickly out of the car

Then the ghost only oh, coming from the door to get off

In the evening, caretakers old period of sleep, chat voice heard sparse banyan tree outside

I really don't want to say to you, also good Mr. Chen calm enough, if it is a new early was you scared to death. How also get into a normal person? You will frighten dead is good, frighten them, no one to drive, we are not a free ride home

I'm sorry, I'm wrong

The fourth night

Chen as usual on the last bus back to the terminal, after the spirit at the cemetery, the bell rang again

Mr. Chen to stop, and then a long looks normal but was like last night the ghost of people went to the car doorway, and then start from the pocket change

Mr. Chen: no, you are quick to go down

Ghost: that how not bashful

Mr. Chen waved: you are quick to go down

Ghost: but you haven't open the door

Mr. Chen: eldest brother, you are a ghost, also open a door with me?

The ghost listened quietly

In the evening, caretakers old feel unusually quiet outside the window, just want to have a good sleep, there was a knock on the door

Ghost: I'm sorry, Sir, I was out, have no place to live, you can stay with you for a moment?

Old period: a pickles cylinder by the side of the hall, I washed the useless, you first go inside to reflect a two or three days to get out again. Tomorrow I help you with Wang Dahe Li Er say

Ghost: ok, thank you! You really is a good man, then you can open the door for me?

Old period: you this kind of closed cylinder, it's good to have new ghosts I have seen much, early not to stick at the gate keeper, you come in.

It's never met a strange to drive after Mr. Chen

英文灵异故事:I am ugly

I am a girl, facial features to separate or pretty delicate, but I don't know when the womb combination out some problems, proportion is not very harmonious, very separate eyes, mouth slightly larger, the skin is swarthy, so overall I look more ugly.

After I read university, is applied for small company to working as a clerk in a company because ugly in a promotion and pay increase and I did. And no man after me. I like the ugly duckling of obscurity, but I have a dream that become a white swan.

One day after work, my mobile phone wears a ring, I turn on the phone a look, is my university classmate lin-lin zhou. I press the answer key: hey, what's the matter? Hello qin, both, I recently made a boyfriend, why don't go to dinner at night? Dia dia gas insupportable appearance, a listen to her talk, will know that she is going to open flash boyfriend pattern, the boyfriend has a sports car today, tomorrow the boyfriend to buy diamond, the day after tomorrow and change a wealthy boyfriend, beauty is life good, was always surrounded by a group of people holding. Oh, ok, where? Someone treat, don't go to white not to go. In the xihua gate restaurant, hurry up come. Then he hung up.

When I arrived, in addition to lin-lin zhou and her boyfriend, and university students fauconnier and her boyfriend. Fauconnier and lin-lin zhou are the peacocks, look at my ugly, and are 26 years old still single and inferiority complex is arises spontaneously. To eat this meal is really tasteless, should state of mind has a lot to do with me. When eating, watching lin-lin zhou snuggle beside the paunchy middle-aged man, play the woman said, the somebody else took a fancy to a bag, want to buy. The man smile Mimi, mouth frank replied: buy buy buy, buy anything you want, satisfied? This time, lin-lin zhou blunt I throw to a proud look. What do you mean? To find such a middle-aged uncle want to torture me to death, is to give a big gold at all, I really don't know why lin-lin zhou full loading is your money.

Fauconnier's boyfriend is a graduate student, the IT industry, income is very good. But looks are belong to the lowest, with a thick black frame glasses looks very stodgy appearance. But fauconnier's 1 vigorously kua his boyfriend how good, I also have to listening in. My in the mind very disappointed, alas! Where is my Mr. Right? When to come to save me the poor ugly duckling? She said the said the topic to me: oh, qin both, you've been single, we also very love you. But can do little about. The year before remember? Lin-lin zhou and I introduce you to a boyfriend, who know that boy out later we both fell, said never make friends with us again. Said we introduce to his temper is what people ah... I really want to stand up malicious flat her.

After supper, back home I feel very annoyed. Her head in the quilt Shouting: I want to find a white horse prince, I want to find a white horse prince, I want to find a prince charming don't know how many times I cried after, may be tired and you fell asleep. When I woke up again, look at the table, already is eleven o 'clock at night. I get out of bed, sit to the front of the computer want to write something. But when I turned on the computer opens at QQ, all of a sudden flash their email. I wonder who can give me email, click on a look, and it was written, you want to become beautiful, find a prince charming? Want to reply. Whose is this trick? Look at the sender, incredibly is a strange number. I received the in the mind a bit, but when I reply a word: it is. Soon again to email: that good, tomorrow night at ten o 'clock to set one's post to better men 24, there was a small store, will someone give you something after you go in, you can listen to the boss's command. Be sure to go to, it can change your fate.

Is it true? Is god heard my prayer, to manifest now? No matter is true or not, must try. I bay there is excited, excited a night didn't sleep well. The second day go to work, I spirit than usual for several times. Finally arrived at ten o 'clock at night, I take a taxi to set one's post to better men, in under the guidance of I went into a dark alley. I feel a bit timid, behind the evil wind gust, feet nor trembling tripped over. Is panic, I suddenly found that have a light ahead on the door just 24. I quickly took his foot into it, this is a small shop, the shop there are a few small adorn article, nothing strange place. The boss is a young and beautiful girl, the skin is very white, tender can squeeze out water.

I'm surprised, she put the shop open in such a quiet place, business good do? Do you want to become beautiful, find prince charming? The girl cut to the chase.

Well, yeah. I received an email let me come to this. This is you?

We received a task, a girl to become beautiful and managed to find a white horse prince, other we are nothing. Girls talk special flat and agile.

Oh, what should I do? My soul is a bit excited but more nervous.

Well, the bottle with you, a special facial cleanser, every night when washing a face daub is on the face wash again, can let you become very beautiful, and also give you the two sets of clothes, wash a face after three days, you put on the clothes can make you look slim, and put on a suit, you will meet a handsome successful man, I wish you good luck. The girls had said with a smile.

So, how much do I have to pay for it? I wonder of ask, even can't drop pie.

Ha ha, this is don't need the money. What we need, waiting for you to find a white horse prince, we were given also. Girl then he made a gesture, please.

I took things went out of academia. Back home, I will take the girl gave me the bottle out, quickly go to the toilet. Unscrew the cap I sniffed, oh my god, delicious ah. I squeeze out some evenly daub on face, gently pat, ice ice cool is really comfortable. When I will face wash with warm water, I found it very turbid water, look in the < a href=//www.guidaye.com/s/jingzi/ target = _blank class = infotextkey > mirror, wow my skin seems to be turned white, and amazing, I feel I was proportion is not symmetric face is now a lot of, smile, and feel so charming is spruce and moving. Is my dimmed eyesight? I tried rubbed his eyes, but I really changed in the mirror. Oh my god, I'm 2) filthy rich! I'm excited is going to jump!

The next day is Saturday, I get up early. When I look in the mirror I found myself really beautiful, I'm happy are jumping and dancing in the room. Then two nights I thoroughly wash a face with that bottle of milk wash a face, wait until Monday morning time, I in the mirror the skin fair-skinneds in vain, white inside deeply red glossy look like changed a face, I am singing twisted waist from the closet, selected a set of new clothes, send me the dress is so beautiful, is also good for my body, when I put on a elegant temperament is OL v-neck shirt dress, in the mirror I take lin-lin zhou suddenly fell out of the 18th street.

When I stepped on a pair of white 7 cm high heels came to the company, all the company's people don't recognize me. Male colleagues see I can not help but opened his mouth, each can plug the eggs, the saliva flow is dripping all over the floor. Female colleagues all muttered: hum, comes a SAO bitch, look at her dress up like that. My in the mind have already enjoyed the flowers! Well, well! I cleared my throat, and then said softly, I am qin both ah. Ah! Office immediately fell a large, random people surrounded me.

The qin dynasty have both? Qin, both are you? Colleague Lin Lan got said.

Well, yes, I am qin, both. I'm very confident, I stand became a white swan.

Oh my god? Did you go to the facial plastic surgery? Not ah, just two days, can't ah. Colleague's a face of doubt.

Ha ha, I just use a good cosmetic ah, ha ha, ha, ha. Everybody work! Now it was to find than diamonds are happy.

Work.so I phone up a message: both qin, are you free at noon? I'd like to invite you to dinner. Texting is department manager ling feng, he is a typical Grosvenor LTD handsome ah, but it is still a bachelor. Ha ha, happiness come too suddenly, I feel so happy. I shy replied: yes.

Ling feng is really perfect, at noon on the car to take me to the city's most luxurious western restaurant to eat, also special tender cut good steak for me, smile and give me pour wine and said softly: cheers. My face because shy, more red. Don't know is a kind of what kind of feeling in my heart. I nervous didn't speak, just smiled and looked at me to eat, and ling feng is very gentle. I know, this is definitely the first handsome boy. Because I become beautiful so he can please invite me, if I still like a pair of ugly, definitely impossible. He likes not me, but I this a pair of beautiful skin. But on second thought, I have now become beautiful ah, he first love my beautiful appearance, then let him know my heart is not also can? Comfort of the self like that, I feel finished this lunch.

After lunch when the door of the restaurant, my feet suddenly wines and almost fell when ling feng a hold me. I looked up the eye just hit him in the eye, bright eyes, looked at me so deep, to make the baby in my heart plop plop. Be careful, both. He will hold my hand. He called me both, if close call. Back to the company, many female colleagues see me down from the ling feng car and have to envy jealous of hate, hey hey, want is this effect, grieve you envy hate.

In the evening we eat together, you see a movie? Ling feng near office asked.

Well, good! I said very sweet.

The way to start a relationship. Actually I enter this company, already has a crush on ling feng, ugly but before I can only unrequited love, now had a dream come true, I'm so lucky. And ling feng in the days of together I am very happy, but, I don't know ling feng heart is really love me or don't love me. Or is it just like my beautiful appearance, I decided to try him.

So in the morning, when one day, I put on the girl gave me a second set of clothes, if there is a rival in love, ling feng will in their fight with others more love me? Hee hee, think like this, I feel very has the necessary. A second set of clothes is dress, but the skirt is chiffon printing, put on after a pure feeling of the girl next door.

Soon, the second Grosvenor LTD handsome appeared. When I quickly to the door of the company, a thief jumped out suddenly robbed me of my bag, I immediately to catch up, while chasing also yell: catch a thief, my bag. From behind me quickly ran over a man, look back how to recruit is also about a metre nov.1992, two big, long legs soon caught the thief. When he was breathless when handed the bag to me, I am grateful to him say: thank you. You're welcome. You work in this neighborhood? The man asked.

Well, I'm near the company. My name is qin both. How about you? Thank you so much for today, if it weren't for you I don't know what to do. I said as he looked at him. His facial features special delicate, face long more good-looking than ling feng, god arranged two handsome for me, for I am not thin.

Ha ha, my name is Hu Yiming. Welcome, should do. I also work in this area. I do research and development of software engineering. He said.

Ha ha, in order to thank you, free this noon, I ask you to eat meal. My enthusiasm said. His condition is good.

Well, good ah.

What is your phone number? At noon I invite you!

Good number, I then and Hu Yiming to wave goodbye. Near noon, I said Lin Fengfa message to occupy, not eat to him at noon. Ling feng also didn't ask more, return to a word: good. Noon and Hu Yiming in a mid-range restaurant, elegant environment and good taste, I think there prices are affordable. When you eat, Hu Yiming very humor humor and wit, sometimes it made me laugh. Watch out, the eyes of Hu Yiming affection for me.

The next day seems a little let I couldn't control. Wander between ling feng and Hu Yiming I feel so tired, what seems to have discovered and ling feng, but when he asked me, I contended that he wants to. He became suspicious, and this side Hu Yiming launched a crazy pursuit for me. Finally one day in the evening, when Hu Yiming in my house downstairs to say to me again, I am against the wall, and Hu Yiming one hand on the wall, the body tightly close to me, this ambiguous position I haven't opened the saw is ling feng. Him short of breath, his hands into fists clenched Hu Yiming collar mercilessly beat him, and Hu Yiming nor soft, a foot kick in the stomach the ling feng, two men fighting together. Chock Hu Yiming neck, dock, I saw ling feng Hu Yiming struggling to pick up a stone next to hit to the ling feng, blood going to stay, ling feng slowly fell down. And at this time, I also more and more tight clothing, neck lace is like steel in me too, let me can't breathe, I fell on the ground a leg a glaring die quickly.

My soul is what call, wandering heart to set one's post to better men 24 small shop, the girl saw my soul, shook his head sighed and said, alas, is a greedy woman, with beautiful, want prince charming, with prince charming, also want to be crazy about you. Failed again this time.

I ghost something congenial question: why the last I'll choke is dress?

Ha ha, our master is very love to play. He heard you call let us to help you, he likes the game. This is a beautiful thing, but you don't know to cherish, do not know to meet, incredibly still want to play emotional game. Waste we spent much time of resin oil cleanser, by the way, there is a secret, when you put on the first dress (or) the second dress man died because of you, you also will die with him. This is you should have. If you cherish, also won't die, it will be very happy. As our master's in the bottle is filled with love, alas, who knows the family love and friendship good collection of the world, but love is the most difficult, owners are looking forward to for hundreds of years... Your soul, of course, we will be away, and never super living. We sent out on each dress has a domesticated by host of ghosts, death by him, gnome male - ".. Girl said, and quickly grasp I want to run away, then I tucked into a black bag, I struggled for a few times no longer

英文灵异故事:Tomb soul

Zhang Teng is a university graduate unemployment college students, to see play the home found a job and they themselves are the interview all hit a wall! One day his high school classmates invited him and his girlfriend to a classmate party, not seen for years old classmate invited him to nature is happy!

They came to the high school often go to a restaurant, everyone very hi years not talk! But then someone put forward a suggestion, and let everyone silence!

Everyone quiet, I have something to say! When you are hi a male student called li ao talked: all gathered a rare, so eat and drink how boring!

Oh, that you want to do! Zhang Teng girlfriend Li Simei clap li ao shoulder jokingly: what's your HuaHuaChangZi, remember back in high school you love to cheat the students. Once you use a simulation snake set in our class Lord neck, scared people cried for half an hour!

This is you remember, I was a joke, I didn't think scared her into it, then I am not an apology? Li ao lowered his head smiled said: this time I want you to go to travel, no other mean!

Travel! Good! Where to go! We are very glad to ask he is ready to go!

Last year, is it, my classmates and I went to the ruins of an ancient tomb, there is a well-preserved bodies!

At this moment, another is called the king of narrowing of the female classmate say: I know you didn't save any kind, is to want to let us go then to scare us!

I said is going to travel, it is a museum have what good afraid of! Li ao looked at the people continue to say: you can't even dared not go to a museum! Who dare to raise your hand!

Under the preaching of li ao Zhang Teng, Li Simei and narrow king decided to go with li ao, and formed four Tours so good. Li ao open myself last year just bought a brand new SUV, they set out with!

Can li ao, this just graduated a year all buy car when Li Simei know this is li ao quipped: when buying a new car with the car how many money, whether in installment buying!

Is 650000 cash to buy! Li ao smile answer!

How did not see before, what kind of work, you can see my line!

Is all right to press to write some articles make plus my salary to save to buy!

That's not bad, pretty much!


After three hours' drive, they finally reached the destination. Li ao woke three people already tired sleeping, tell them to. They stunned when they see everything in sight, because they were taken to an ancient tomb! Is to look back to a long, narrow pyramid-shaped mound, a faint light. While they were in a huge circle in the tomb, in the center of the tomb with a sarcophagus, around the perimeter of the tomb is full of various painting of ghost, biltong should have a long history! In addition to these is the ground of skeleton, the many scattered on the ground, let a person feel suffocated!

Agghh!!!! Li Simei and narrow king run screaming on the car!

This is where ah, you are not a tomb museum? Zhang Teng unhurried say: nothing has come down, the world no ghost!

Buzz ~ when power suddenly to a group of bats, they circled on the top of the cave! Just then two girl called to get up again, they are not because the bats and afraid, but because they come in the car actually turned into a sedan chair, and the sedan chair is two skull!

See here Zhang Teng were frightened, when he thought of to find li ao found li ao was gone, while the sedan chair skeleton also fell to the ground!

Run! Zhang Teng didn't tube so much, with two women and ran outside the hole! They called the police as he ran, but I don't know why the phone dial the not going!

The mouth of the cave suddenly disappeared, the passage back, to see the scene two girls instantly be frighten to faint!!!

Come out, li ao you joke a bit, you don't come out is going to be a deadly! Zhang Teng loudly shouted, cried again and again, but no one answered him.

Grew to a burst of disorderly ring, skeleton of the earth began to move, so Zhang Teng immediately to hold his girlfriend in the corner of the skulls! But when he looked back, everything in sight let him understand that this is definitely not a joke! King has not been his time to the corner of the narrow is the group of skeleton mouthful bite, the waist has been bite! Zhang Teng momentarily frighten of sweat, he made his horse up Li Simei around the tomb of a turnover not let skeleton catch up!

Fortunately skeleton run fast! Zhang Teng thought, but he did not think he will be tired! Indeed as expected soon he was tired, and the skeleton is still the same after him! He looked at has been eating the king of the remaining bone narrow don't know what to do: I will not put Li Simei down! If I don't put her down I will immediately be skeleton catch up with, but if I don't put down she would like narrow king eaten by skull! Zhang Teng is twisted, run!

Zhang Teng telephone suddenly rang, he quickly picked up the phone!

Help ah, hurry up to call the police! Zhang Teng shouted into the phone!

Zhang Teng believe you also have today, didn't you say you are truly in love! You not is say you even willing to go with him to death! Today I will help you! Hear these Zhang Tengcai suddenly enlighted, originally called li ao, all these make him instantly understand!

Li ao and Li Simei in middle school is a pair to grew up playing big good friend, and their relationship is better, in high school they turned into a relationship. But then li ao met class Zhang Teng everything changed, they are better, often play basketball together! Zhang Teng is a very for girls like boys, and li ao is the more silent type of boy! From then on, the three of them often play together, eat together become the sticking of the three good friends!

Zhang Teng we three are good friends!!!! Li ao carry glass asked Zhang Teng.

That is, of course, you are my Zhang Teng's best friend, forever friend! Zhang Teng answered, but then it all changed!







